"You may still be clinging to the riverbank, struggling like mad not to let go.
You may still not be prepared to plunge into the wild, terrifying and invigorating "white water" ride of Disclosure.
Nonetheless, just as we have been expecting, disclosure is happening now.
If you ever wondered about what disclosure would actually look like once it started happening, this is it.
As we are now seeing, it cannot be constrained into one single, all-defining moment where "everything happens".
We do not all wake up with a single, streamlined, easy-to-understand story that everyone believes... where all of a sudden the world has changed forever.
This is a massive, systematic, and total shift in what the average person knows, thinks and believes to be true -- on the most basic level.
It is an exciting opportunity to completely "start over" with the basic nature of civilization as we know it -- and build a much happier and healthier world."
I agree with David that there is nothing to go back to, our only chance is to start over and learn from our mistakes.