I do want to mention something else here as well. Once I have better internet access at my next location, I will probably write a new post about this, perhaps early next week.

The insider leaks on the efforts to defeat the Cabal had dried up for a while these past few months, at least within my own immediate contacts -- but not now.

There are some very encouraging pieces of news I've been hearing that could explain why I've been pounded with such intense dreams preparing us for something really big -- and positive. 

Only a few of those dreams have been released here, due to time constraints -- but there have been a number of them lately.

At this point I want to be extremely careful about specifics, and only reveal things publicly that would help the effort, rather than hinder it.

Let me just say that if the things I'm hearing are true, it verifies and further extends what we've been hearing from both Neil Keenan and Fulford lately.

This new information came to me from three different sources.

One of those sources got completely independent verification of key details from three separate insider contacts, with very high-level access.

If I were to write down what I heard, it would polarize the audience. Some people would believe it and think it is amazing, and others would refuse to believe it.

I really do hope we see action and not just more talk. If the action does happen, it will be the most significant historical event in any of our lifetimes.

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  • I remember doing a search after the Libya invasion when they got there and it was different at every site but never saw Israel on one of them.

  • Cuba, NKorea, Iran according to this...


    Further down on GLP link, they mention Venezuela, Israel.

    This link adds Sudan and Libya (back in 2008)...

  • There is one in s America also and probably Somalia, not sure. 

  • Jim

     Libya Iraq and Afghanistan were given Rothschild central banks after there invasion. I think the only ones left are Syria, Iran and Sudan. WW3 will destroy almost every countries economy a nice bit of depopulation also. If Syria is not nipped in the bud the whole world will go down together. That has been the NWO plan from the beginning. Yes it is about control and money. We may get lucky and foil their plans.

  • From what I understand Syria, Iran, Irack, and two other countries are the only ones in the civilised world that do not belong to the world bank.   And that is the reason that they are targets.   It is all about controll and money.

  • I think if we can hold the Cabal off from destroying Syria there will be many good things happening. 

  • I hope we see action as well, talk is good but action better - and in saying that I'm only referring to action that will assist / lead to freedom for all mankind!

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