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Recently, I mentioned we needed the military to take this country back, where were they? Well, here they are...
Some highlights...
David appears to be a careful chronicler of facts. What did you think about the 17 top military brass being killed two days before the OKC bombing. What happened to them? They were on a plane going to testify against Bill Clinton. A good reason why the military is operating below the radar now.
Here's another interesting quote, "In other articles, Skolnick revealed that George W. Bush was planned all along to be taken down by scandals soon after he was elected." Could that be what is happening with Obama now? He's served his useful purpose. People are on to him. It's time to [presidentially-speaking] move on?
British bankers were behind 9-1-1, to recover their "lost colony."
The 2000 election was a planned "constitutional crisis."
The Euro was started as a move against the Fed, but was co-opted.
Here, Skolnick again discussed the US military alliance against the Cabal, which was one of the ongoing themes in his articles.
Here's something I bet you didn't read in the MSM:
In another article from May 11, 2001, Skolnick revealed the fates of these brave, patriotic officers who died fighting for freedom.
President Clinton felt his power slipping away. The 1994 Congressional elections, considered by fellow Democrats as a Clinton-caused disaster, brought in a noisy GOP majority.
In the spring of 1995, a small group of highly patriotic flag officers were plotting to arrest their Commander-in-Chief Clinton for giving military secrets to the Red Chinese, a sworn enemy of the US.
[This would have been] an arrest provided for and authorized under the military code.
As titular head of both the U.S. civilian and military Establishment, Clinton, on the other hand, could have arrested the 24 Admirals and Generals for mutiny.
If they were not assassinated, they intended to defend themselves with proof, such as Clinton giving, to the head of the Red Chinese Secret Police, in the White House and elsewhere, U.S. financial, industrial, and MILITARY secrets.
Giving aid and comfort to a sworn enemy of the U.S., the classical definition of treason….
And Obama hasn't done anything less... Seal Team 6, Benghazi, financially supporting terrorists (MB & PLO), Breitbart & Hastings murders, etc., ad infinitum, ad naseum.
And it gets worse...
You read that right. Apparently there were still POWs in Vietnam, well over 20 years after the war ended.
The reason why the Air Force News Service could not name the Army sergeant in the crash is that he was supposed to have died -- twenty years ago.
And -- even worse -- he may have already been documented as a POW, and was officially listed as dead long ago.
Imagine if a ghost like this suddenly appeared -- as if out of nowhere -- and America was told their leaders knew about him all along, and covered it up?
What if there were many others like him -- and their identities were all going to be revealed as well?
With these revelations, I think our government is now officially at war ... with anyone and everyone who is against them, which is most Americans. Now you know why all the purchases of military gear. We're coming for them and they hope to survive by having the ordnance. GET OFF THE DAMNED FENCE AND GET PREPARED!
Lee; I like what you said here.
"Few months ago i had this vision ,where a large fleet of ufo moving silent very low to the ground,maybe around 2000 ft or less,moving from east to west from were i was,it was dark ouside ant they all radiating light blue colours.Overwelming peace and joy feeling that i had along with overwelming love radiating back and forth."
Donald: Great Insight "Perhaps we should pay more attention to what we feel in our hearts."
Who Knows what is truth, all the Media's is pushing crap, there may be no killings at all just them making it up to keep the fear up to feed on.
Keep your self safe they say donate here, donate there lining there pockets instead of it going to where it was advertised to go! Well so there no good lieying B#$%^&* thats been the way they operate the whole time.
Things are changing and all are up in arms scrambling around trying to figure it out, so if you never spend quiet time in the forest, park, fishing in a lake when do you learn to shut down your mind so that you can feel the energy that is being brought to Earth for the up and coming Event, are your dreams nightmares instead of dreams of coming Events that is to be so Great to be overwhelming. the energy is there I can feel it every night, or when I slow down to look around to smell the forest watch the birds/bats, etc.. Gathering the energy is not a true statement it is inside of you waiting stop watching TV stop going after worm on the end of the line on the internet sit still and just try to quiet the mind no thoughts just feelings from the Heart.
Don, the best advice I've heard is to discern, listen to what your own inner guidance says. I know most everything in the news is biased and unreliable. I look at it as what the overlords want us to know and react to. I see the escalation of everything as a sign their desperation is increasing. I use the news as intel on what is not being said. Thus, knowing they are increasingly desperate decreases the fear it delivers. News is just desperate psychopaths communicating. True, they hope to manipulate while they are communicating, but that is up to each of us to see the manipulation/fear for what it is and let it just pass through.
I feel the pain of the people of the world that have to endure the suffering of these psychopaths who have no feelings. To go into a country like Syria and murder 100,000 people under false pretenses just to change their government is so far beyond my comprehension it has do place in this Galaxy. 1.5 million in Iraq and 55,000 in Libya and many in other countries that count is lost is sickening to say the least and must be stopped. It has been going on for centuries but now we have more death technology. People who do these things get awarded Humanitarian medals from the others who do them instead of being hung.
And right now the fear chatter is running very high. I keep reminding myself that they fear us more that we can ever fear them. Whatever they try to pull off I am sure it will be another ridiculous attempt to fool us. Regardless it is still a very saddening thing to know that there are humans being killed by these monsters.
Every single type of media including the internet is designed to keep us in a constant state of anxiety and fear.
All media is now flooded with information that promotes this anxiety and fear.
If we can't believe what we see and hear then how do we know when something is real?
Perhaps we should pay more attention to what we feel in our hearts.
This is just a thought, I do not have a answer yet.
Keith the scenarios are endless and maybe we will be able figure them out and then again ????? War in Syria then Jumping to Iran will start the ball rolling is my guess.
Well said Lee I hope that will be soon, I have faith also.
Our history has been changed so that the general population has nothing to compare to what is going on right now, to the past. Our whole lives we have been lied to about most everything we know and now we have to put that in our mind which is a computer to try and with our new information figure out what is happening. None of us here are stupid we just don't have all the correct information. There is a statement that haunts me " Almost everything I have ever learned is false or at best half true" The battle for truth marches on and thank you my friend for all the help you give me. I mean that sincerely to all of you.
We live in the Disinformation Age now and everything we ingest into our minds needs to be examined and not just non-chalantly accepted. For instance, Syria is a prime example. Someone pointed out that for Assad to have launched chemical warfare with UN inspectors right next door was not credible. But the news media ignore that glaring data point and stampedes ahead, in their rush to bring war to Syria to "rescue" it from Assad. It's a good point, but is it the complete truth of the matter? Unless you're there and you're witnessing it yourself, you'll never know for sure. But then, that puts us all in the polarity trap (as Cameron Day talks about in his latest email). Which "side" are you on? The evil Assad's side because the UN inspectors are there, or on the American-trained-Al-Qaida side (who are really just there to protect and rescue the Syrians)? What a merry mess! (Well, it's not merry to 1,700 Syrians and their pets and animals who died from some kind of poison sprayed by who knows who.)
My head is spinning too. Soon enough, fact will not be able to be separated from fiction without some dedicated focus and undestroyed facts. It's more than I think will be possible.
The fake alien invasion was also in the Report from Iron Mountain in 1963 as a way to unite the world under control of the UN. That same year a State Department came out with manual tell how the UN troops would help remove guns from Americans. For sure Hollywood has implanted the fear of hostile aliens invading us deep in our subconscious. There are so many things happening right now my head is spinning. The one thing I keep forgetting is most of the rest of the world are sheeple totally unaware of what is going on.