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  • Yes, Jim.  It is obvious they can fund what they want to fund.  Likely, as every year, this is just another  distraction.

  • It's not a done deal, Kim.  The Senate has to approve it, which they say it won't.

  • Since Obamacare is delayed for one year, this is a good thing I hope?

  • Strange how they always find enough money to give to other countries and enough to pay for wars!  If things are that bad in the U. S. stop funding other countries now!  Just tell them "Sorry we ran out of money since no one has a job to pay taxes!" 

  • I am beginning to think this battle is a contrived distraction from something coming up soon. The  other day 27 Senate Republicans voted to fund O care after most of them said they would not, what happened so quickly to change their minds. The same thing happened with the NSA spying bill in both houses, overnight everyone changed their minds and voted against the peoples will. 

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