Excerpted from Real Clear Politics: “The Affordable Care Act’s political position has deteriorated dramatically over the last week.” That, coming from longtime Obamacare cheerleader and Washington Post blogger Ezra Klein, was pretty strong language. And it was only Wednesday.
That was the day after the release of a devastating Quinnipiac national poll. It showed Barack Obama’s approval rating at 39 percent, with his disapproval rating at 54 percent — sharply down from 45 percent approval and 49 percent disapproval on Oct. 1, the day the government shutdown began and healthcare.gov went into (limited) operation.
Democrats hoped that Republicans would take a shellacking in public opinion for the Oct. 1-16 government shutdown. They did, briefly. But Quinnipiac’s survey, conducted three weeks after the shutdown ended, indicated that the Obamacare rollout inflicted much more damage on the Democratic brand — and the party’s leader.
Quinnipiac’s numbers on Obamacare were also exactly the same as their numbers on Obama: 39 percent favored the health care legislation, 55 percent were opposed. Moreover, a near-majority — 46 percent — said the president knowingly deceived them when he assured Americans over and over that they could keep their health insurance plans.
There are few names a president can be called that are more damaging than liar.
The numbers are particularly daunting when you look at the groups that Democratic pollster Stanley Greenberg identifies as major parts of “the big cultural and demographic wave that threatens to swamp the Republican party” — young voters and Hispanics. Keep Reading
Well, that was a random sampling, if ever there was one. It's time for him to resign.
Yep and today's poll is 57% disapprove a couple days ago O and his family attended a basketball game in OR and when the announcer mentioned O was there people boooooed him.
like watching the biggest and slowest train wreck ever!
Since I put this up a few hours ago the number has gotten worse, I am so sad.
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ABC Exposes ‘Brutal’ New Poll Numbers For Obama