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  • Perhaps, Peter.  The better option is to dispense with a monetary system altogether.  I guess if the global reset/reval comes to pass, the old systems will be revamped to accommodate those actions and will be the transition to life without money.  I don't expect anything to be overnight, but it will have to do as we transition as a society from 3D to 4D.

  • Cheryl, I think we need to work this mess out for ourselves and not rely on higher beings for the answers (in regard to uncompromisable software for a banking system).

    I think benevolent ET's will ensure we don't totally destroy the planet but probably won't get involved in daily human activities.  I find it strange that we quite often assume that benevolent ET's are all good - almost perfect in a way - I'm not totally convinced that that is the case. I would think, even at their level, they still have lessons to learn. So can we totally trust them with running day to day human affairs - perhaps not - and maybe that is one reason why they cannot or are not allowed to interfere in human daily activity (unless it is saving us from destroying the planet).

    I also think the answer is to some how change the whole structure of society and not have everything based on a monetary value. This would take a lot of change and may even be too much for 3D existence - things like greed, jealousy and selfishness would need to be eliminated - which will require a big shift in thinking - something that would only happen with a very big jolt to the entire human race - something like a shift to 4D maybe????

  • Not yet, at any rate, Byron.

  • I may need some carbon credits myself I have already burned through what would be enough wood to get almost through February.

      Cheryl  please tell me there is not another channeled message coming from the UIN.  

  • We'll have to buy the moon so the United Interplanetary Nations can give it away.

  • Wouldn't it be nice not to have to just eliminate all the bills and useless expenses that money has created in our taxed life and no longer have to worry about the totally unnecessary expenses that come up every month and just never go away. Over and over we pay out money to people who squander it anyway they can find too. every time I reregister my car or get a new drivers license I want to puke. Foreign aid you don't have a say in. How much will we pay for the National Park on the Moon? 

  • Software written by higher beings that aren't under the 3D influence, perhaps, and made impregnable.  But, from what we've heard, eventually money won't be an issue at all.

  • I agree with your comments that without greed and lust for power we could actually have something that could be fair - but what about the hacking possibilities and who controls the software?

    I also think of the scamming possibilities - you know where, for example, .05 of a cent is skimmed off millions of daily transactions - which is not really noticeable to individual transactions but overtime could amount to a reasonable accumulated amount.

  • I think in the management of money, robots/computers might be the answer since they don't suffer from greed and lust for power.

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