Dovendale crop circle - CropCircleConnector
Represents Poleshift?
Dimensional Change:
(From Comments) "...20 July. It was a blowmind! Rationally, I managed to explain to myself just
about the Tao. But intuitively, I say, at my core, something vibrated very
strong and clear. And I know that a message of this magnitude can not be
understood with the shallow human reason. We are actually changing the
frequency, dimension, I really do not know for sure. But the proof is the spark
that happens inside of us seeing these messages, as if something deep inside
said, "I understand!". I believe it is this internal source that we must seek
understanding. And to think this side is that we are evolving, into and upwards,
and then go out and in any direction." ~Clara, Soa Paulo, Brazil