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  • Keith I fast forward because I thought it was lady dragon breath, squawking.  I gave up listening to dates when Elenin was here.  I have not given up on Drake but he does test my patience a little.

  • I do think this is one of Drakes best shows. Kauilapele thinks Oboma is going to save us so there is frictin between him and Drake from the get go. I do not trust any of the so called galactics or light workers that think O man is a star seed. I do read them all, but with caution.  

  • I know, Lothar.  Just following his news.  Doesn't mean I believe it, or believe much of anything anymore.  :-)

  • From email...


    Drake's Wednesday show 28mins-42mins Extraordinary events

    If you want to find out the extraordinary important news of things going down within a few short days listen from 28mins through 42mins of the 3 hour show. It's about all you need to understand what's up.

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