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  • Well what Dutchsinse is saying is basically true, and what materials may be stored in the other salt domes nearby? There is one issue with his statement of the west american plate compressing towards the east? It is not, it is stretching out towards the west as the pacific plates moving ever fastly to the east asian plates. Are making room for the New madrid fault to gain more fluidity and seperation. We should start to see more larger quakes along the new madrid faults very soon. As we have seen the new earthquake swarm on the west coast san andreas. The craton fault is u shaped going from maine south to louisiana and up to the pacific northwest. It is atm basically inactive, but will not be once the new madrid starts to seperate more. All in all though Dutchsinse is basically stating the truth of these matters, and like many of us he has been trying for years to awaken people to possible future realitys! It is quite possible TPTB have allowed the fracking at certain points to help cause this all the more? As it would play into their plans to divide and conquer America!

  • Salt dome operations???  WTH are these oil people thinking???  Idiots.

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