This is a 2nd time this year (and probably in the last 20 years or more!) EQ in my neck of the wood has made the news.
Although it happened in Burma it was right on the infamous Golden Triangle (once opium country and probably still is to a lesser extent) between Thailand and Laos.
Atleast 25 dead in Burma and 1 in Thailand. I'm quite certain there must be some casualties or injuries too in Lao side of the border but due to the underdeveloped nature it hasn't make the news yet. Keep in mind that it was fortunate that the location is sparesly populated.
What is amazing is that it was actually felt all the way down to metropolitan Bangkok which is nearly 1,000km away and all the way to Hanoi, but in my city Vientiane which is less than half the distance to Bangkok was not felt or at least not being reported at this moment unlike the 4.6 last time which we felt it.: