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  • edina please don't take your numbers from usgs, there wrong. vanautu was 5.7. usgs has posted earthquakes that never happened. they did a 3.7 by me that never happened and they have been skipping japan and china. the china one i posted yesterday was a 5,5 that they never reported.
  • And for those of you who haven't seen it yet, there was a 4.0 in the Gulf of Californina this morning, and another 6.2 in Vanautu Island just few minutes ago, as of 0639 MDT,

    PS, over 100 aftershocks in NZ, we think the Australian Plate may be lifting????
  • I read an article from the BBC news feed this morning about a 5.1 aftershock to the NZ quake. This aftershock was a very sharp jolt, and left some of the emergency workers in tears. Here's a link:

    Powerful Tremor Rattles NZ city
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