Magnitude 4.1 - UTAH
2010 August 18 12:51:43 UTC
Earthquake Details
- This is a computer-generated message -- this event has not yet been reviewed by a seismologist.
Magnitude | 4.1 |
Date-Time |
Location | 37.635°N, 113.236°W |
Depth | 1.2 km (~0.7 mile) (poorly constrained) |
Region | UTAH |
Distances |
Location Uncertainty | horizontal +/- 0.6 km (0.4 miles); depth +/- 8.6 km (5.3 miles) |
Parameters | NST= 23, Nph= 23, Dmin=14 km, Rmss=0.4 sec, Gp= 76°, M-type=duration magnitude (Md), Version=1 |
Source | |
Event ID | uu00007300 |
Because of the amount of earthquakes we started an earthquake group. Since you already have responses, leave this one here, but in the future could you post earthquake-related news to the Earthquakes group? Thanks.