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  • Brian stop stealing my words :)
  • From what I understand the Tribulation started on May 15 2011.  The Rapture can happen at any time during the tribulation from the start to the end.  Only time will tell if anything will happen at all.  
  • Brian you are absolutely right!!!

    The media does nothing but push it hard...So who's behind all this? Is most of the money going into one big kitty except for what's needed for advertizing?

    Oh dear...are we funding our own destruction? Lordy this is not it..

  • William, what's happening is the opposing leaders of the agenda are being trashed, rioted, pressured, or removed who do not unite with the UN and the MIddle East against the state of Israel..etc..

    Jerusalem has become a burdensome stone to them and this being the end of days, isn't that suppose to happen according to scripture?

    Zechariah 12:3


  • Just one more of this same Man's false prophesies in order to get money from people who do not know the bible.

    Bill Fontenot

  • There was more to it than that.. 

    We've been watching something unfold tentively since last year but this has been going on for years....I was watching Israel/Middle East conflicts during the Clinton and Bush years as well....but let's just start with last year..

    Remember Oct 2010:
    Support for Israel Costs Canada Seat on U.N. Security Council

    Think back to Feb 17-18 2011
    The USA stood ALONE vetoing the UN's joint decision concerning Israel..Recall the Israel settlement conflict was happening.

    Did we get the UN and Middle Eastern nations really angry with us too over Israel with that one?

    The May 21st Judgment Day was not about the rapture but about a terrorist attack on American here and abroad.
    We were about to look like Japan's 3/11 on 5/21..

    Why do you think a National Level Exercise was scheduled between the two dates of May 15th and May New Madrid Zones..
    May 15th Millions of Muslims were set to invade Israel ...
    This day is called Nakba/Catastrophy Day and May 21st was called Judgment Day

    Before the Million Muslim march on May 15th, a draft of Obama's May 19th speech was given to them ahead of time and they called it off......and also no May 21st Judgment Day occured..
    The USA had to cave to the UN and Middle Eastern pressure to save lives.. so in the May 19th speech Obama called for Israel to go back to the pre-1967 borders and soooo it now appears like just another failed end of the world prediction by stupid Christians..... so no May 21st Judgment Day.

    That's it in a nut shell..

  • They now have egg on their faces, again!
  • Maybe the public proclamation by the Anti-Christ occurs on this date and Mr. Camping just got the dates wrong. :)

  • Even if you accepted the year AD 33, Camping’s date of April 1, 33 clashes with chronological scholar, Harold Hoehner’s date of April 3, 33. (Chronological Aspects of the Life of Christ, Harold Hoehner, Zondervan, 1977. 139)

    Harold Camping picked April Fool's Day 33 AD instead of April 3rd 33 AD to go off of....... Oddly, he left his church in 1988 the year of an EASTER APRIL 3rd over the duspute and then 6 years later his

     failed prediction in 1994 was in the same year of an EASTER APRIL 3rd...

    There are no more Easter April 3rds until 2067.....79 years from 1988 when this all started with Mr. Camping.. 





    They certainly were EASTER WATCHERS of these two dates..April 1, 33 and April 3, 33..
    Interestingly the Next APRIL FOOL'S EASTER SUNDAY is in 2018 when Israel turns 70 year old...

    Harold Hoehner passed away in 2009 so he wasn't alive to see this big fail of Mr. Camping...
    Hey, would that make Harold Hoehner's prediction May 23rd 2011???

    Oh no here we go again..

  • Yeah, I'm still here too.  This isn't Harold's first strike out.
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