Some were, or were speculated to have been. But whatever the reasoning, they ptb/w are expecting something. Let's just hope they and their plans are passe.
I certainly wasn't saying that the bunkers were built for Planet X, but for a natural event of some sort - which could be solar flares. Good point though regarding nuclear war and also not being suitable for tectonic plate shifts.
As far as the bunkers go, they could have been built because of fears of solar flares, or even nuclear war that the ptb/w were/are trying to start. Bunkers, in and of themselves, are no proof of knowledge of Planet X. In fact, Jim McCanney commented on a scientist who built himself a bunker 50 feet below ground in Arizona as having built himself an expensive tomb for himself. If earthchanges are going to include tectonic plate shifts, then it's not likely bunkers would survive.
Everything is certainly (and probably deliberately) muddy!
I believe if we had a good understanding (fact's) regarding the Earth's past history over many eons then we may have a chance of predicting the future - particularly for cyclical events. However, IMO we have very scant knowledge of this planet's history and the history of life forms on it (including humans).
However, someone somewhere recently must have thought they had fairly solid information about an upcoming catastrophic event - and convinced TPB/W that they needed to build underground bunkers and seed banks, etc. Otherwise, why would they do it? It's not a money making concern and I don't see it as a control mechanism - so the bunkers haven't feathered their nests for any reason apart from providing a possible survival location.
Having said that, I still think before too long (ie in the next couple of years) we are going to know a lot more than what we do now - to the extend that it will shock a lot of people (maybe even the majority) and could even include a game changing physical earth event. I also believe we will be helped through these times, as we may have been before - one day we will know!
I agree with the 3600 year timing as not being exact, just a close average and could easily be off many years. By reading the new science of Paleontology, archeology and geology it shows a totally different picture of what happened to earth in the past and is not bogged down with the same old ideas that do not hold water anymore. Mass extensions have been going on for millions of years, but only a couple are listed. I too believe that most of what we hear is disinformation mixed with enough truth to keep you believing it is true. I also believe much of what is happening weather wise is man made. I also believe this continuing changing of possible disaster dates is feed to us by the power to be to keep us pacified until they give us a new one. Even Clif High's information could be contaminated with false information everything else seems to be.
While that is all true, Byron, the exact timing of its return is unknown. What if it's a hundred years off? It could still be used as a decoy to mask HAARP or ascension today. I remain open minded, but the skeptical meter is pushing the limits. And that's the point. One can see something and make an assumption of what they are seeing. Very easy to do, especially when one doesn't know enough about it or how to relate it to other things, even if one knows what other things are that it might relate to. Then some helpful gov't agency suggests something like "Planet X" and builds an internet platform to disseminate the concept and it becomes common knowledge in the collective consciousness. Disinformation is added to mix it all up into a lovely pond of mud so no one will know the real truth. Truth, with a capital T, is not facts. Facts are what we can see at the moment. Thus, Earth changes are not necessarily Planet X driven because we can't possibly see all elements and angles in this scenario. Something is happening, yes. But what, we don't know for sure.
Every 3600 years something has been happening on schedule and I do not think the earth has a timer in it. So in my opinion it has to be something the returns at the same time. Call it what name you want. The bunkers were not built for mother earths birthing pains or ascension. IMO If there were not Geologic proof and records from past cultures saying that something has happened before many times I would think differently, In the couple years people, mostly scientists have tried to come up with new ways to explain what is happening and I don't think they have enough knowledge of space to explain what they are seeing.
Some were, or were speculated to have been. But whatever the reasoning, they ptb/w are expecting something. Let's just hope they and their plans are passe.
I certainly wasn't saying that the bunkers were built for Planet X, but for a natural event of some sort - which could be solar flares. Good point though regarding nuclear war and also not being suitable for tectonic plate shifts.
As far as the bunkers go, they could have been built because of fears of solar flares, or even nuclear war that the ptb/w were/are trying to start. Bunkers, in and of themselves, are no proof of knowledge of Planet X. In fact, Jim McCanney commented on a scientist who built himself a bunker 50 feet below ground in Arizona as having built himself an expensive tomb for himself. If earthchanges are going to include tectonic plate shifts, then it's not likely bunkers would survive.
Everything is certainly (and probably deliberately) muddy!
I believe if we had a good understanding (fact's) regarding the Earth's past history over many eons then we may have a chance of predicting the future - particularly for cyclical events. However, IMO we have very scant knowledge of this planet's history and the history of life forms on it (including humans).
However, someone somewhere recently must have thought they had fairly solid information about an upcoming catastrophic event - and convinced TPB/W that they needed to build underground bunkers and seed banks, etc. Otherwise, why would they do it? It's not a money making concern and I don't see it as a control mechanism - so the bunkers haven't feathered their nests for any reason apart from providing a possible survival location.
Having said that, I still think before too long (ie in the next couple of years) we are going to know a lot more than what we do now - to the extend that it will shock a lot of people (maybe even the majority) and could even include a game changing physical earth event. I also believe we will be helped through these times, as we may have been before - one day we will know!
Well, it's June 3rd and we're still here, no Global Coastal Event. No surprise.
I agree with the 3600 year timing as not being exact, just a close average and could easily be off many years. By reading the new science of Paleontology, archeology and geology it shows a totally different picture of what happened to earth in the past and is not bogged down with the same old ideas that do not hold water anymore. Mass extensions have been going on for millions of years, but only a couple are listed. I too believe that most of what we hear is disinformation mixed with enough truth to keep you believing it is true. I also believe much of what is happening weather wise is man made. I also believe this continuing changing of possible disaster dates is feed to us by the power to be to keep us pacified until they give us a new one. Even Clif High's information could be contaminated with false information everything else seems to be.
While that is all true, Byron, the exact timing of its return is unknown. What if it's a hundred years off? It could still be used as a decoy to mask HAARP or ascension today. I remain open minded, but the skeptical meter is pushing the limits. And that's the point. One can see something and make an assumption of what they are seeing. Very easy to do, especially when one doesn't know enough about it or how to relate it to other things, even if one knows what other things are that it might relate to. Then some helpful gov't agency suggests something like "Planet X" and builds an internet platform to disseminate the concept and it becomes common knowledge in the collective consciousness. Disinformation is added to mix it all up into a lovely pond of mud so no one will know the real truth. Truth, with a capital T, is not facts. Facts are what we can see at the moment. Thus, Earth changes are not necessarily Planet X driven because we can't possibly see all elements and angles in this scenario. Something is happening, yes. But what, we don't know for sure.
Every 3600 years something has been happening on schedule and I do not think the earth has a timer in it. So in my opinion it has to be something the returns at the same time. Call it what name you want. The bunkers were not built for mother earths birthing pains or ascension. IMO If there were not Geologic proof and records from past cultures saying that something has happened before many times I would think differently, In the couple years people, mostly scientists have tried to come up with new ways to explain what is happening and I don't think they have enough knowledge of space to explain what they are seeing.
I have my doubts, too, Peter. I think PX is a coverup for something else.
Oh yeah ... things are definitely happening Cheryl - however, IMO I very much doubt that it is because of Nibiru.