Oct. 31, 2013

The Department of Justice (DOJ) and Eric Holder thinks to pull a fast one on the American People.Eric Holder filed a law suit with the United States Supreme Court that says United Nations treaty trumps the US Constitution on laws in the United States.

The Senate that has already had the majority say they will not approve President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry’s treasonous plans to circumvent the United States Constitution with the United Nations Small Arms Treaty. Already 50 Senators banned together and sent a letter to the White House and said no! Don’t let that stop President Obama from going out of his way again.

DOJ Says UN Treaty Trumps US Constitution!

The Department of Justice Attorneys led by Eric Holder have just started advancing an argument at the Supreme Court that could allow them to invoke international treaty for policies such as gun control and conflict with in the United States. This would include conflicts like the planned EBT shortage. It would also enforce the unconstitutional UN Small Arms Treaty that was signed by John Kerry despite the US Senate garnering the 53 votes necessary to block it from ever being signed. The act itself was committing Treason under Article 3 of the Constitution.

This petition filed by the DOJ and Obama’s Administration would give them the power and authority to implement the treaty signed by the US and allow federal prosecutors the right to prosecute criminal cases that would be normally handled by state and local authorities. One might also argue if this gives the DOJ the authority to over ride the ruling of Posse Comitatus or the ruling of international troops on US Soil!

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) was one of the first to speak up about this law suit:

The Constitution created a limited federal government with only specific enumerated powers,” Cruz told the Washington Examiner prior to giving a speech on the issue today at the Heritage Foundation.

“The Supreme Court should not interpret the treaty power in a manner that undermines this bedrock protection of individual liberty,” Cruz said.

In his speech, Cruz said the Justice Department is arguing “an absurd proposition” that “could be used as a backdoor way to undermine” Second Amendment rights, among other things.~The Washington Examiner

The precedence is based off a decision on the Supreme Court Case Bond Vs The United States, in which a woman was video taped putting poison into the tail pipe of a jilted ex-lover’s car.  Holder and the DOJ successfully argued to over ride the State’s jurisdiction to try this for attempted murder and instead be allowed to at least be heard on taking these cases from the state and prosecuting it under the Chemical Weapons Convention Implementation Act.

On an interesting note this is the same international law the United States tried to prosecute Syrian Dictator Bashar Assad under in international court by saying that he used chemical weapons on his own people. That almost started a war with Syria!

The problem here is precisely that Congress, rather than implementing the treaty consistent with our constitutional system of federalism, enacted a statute that, if construed to apply to petitioner’s conduct, would violate basic structural guarantees and exceed Congress’s enumerated powers,” according to Bond’s lawyers.

The Judicial Crisis Network’s Carrie Severino said the Bond case could have ramifications for many other issues.

“If the administration is right, the treaty power could become a backdoor way for the federal government to do everything from abolishing the death penalty nationwide, to outlawing homeschooling, to dramatically curtailing the states’ rights to regulate abortion,” she told the Washington Examiner.~The Washington Examiner

With Obama preparing and purging the US Military one must wonder if this was his plan all along. If this case goes through, it could mean that President Obama’s hidden government CBS warned us over and full implementation into a dictatorship would be almost on the verge of completion!

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  • Keith I actually meant them to be first just didn't say it.

  • Jim, that's how psychopaths work.

  • If you know your history you will know that Hitler did the same thing!  He made his own laws! And twisted the old ones.

  • I did a quick check of recall elections for US senators, and it has to be in a state's constitution to be able to do it, and only something like 13 states and D.C. have it.  So, it wouldn't be enough to tip the balance, and not all of the 46 GOP senators are predicted to vote.  There is expulsion, but requires a 2/3 vote in the Senate, 66 votes, so again, not likely. 

    I'd say, recall senators from whichever states can be recalled to send a message.  Have county grand juries (in the county where a senator lives) indict and constitutional sheriffs arrest.  The trick is having a constitutional sheriff in the same county as a senator.

    These are viable strategies, but they would take time, and I'm not sure we have that kind of time.  But they would definitely be setting the stage for the longer term.

    Don, you'd probably enjoy the novel, "The Truth Machine."

    It certainly would make the job easier with one of those.  Perhaps potential politicians should be required to have psychological evals, not just for running, but periodically while serving.  John McCain is one whom I think has passed the point of useful service.  Biden at times appears to have senile dementia.

  • One of our most important objectives needs to be the removal of anything tied to the UN and their arm of compliance to Agenda 21, called ECLI. Most of the bankers need to be jailed and prosecuted. I agree that voting could be uncontrollable. The Ocare tax is waking a lot of people, hopefully fast enough. Kissenger said over a year ago that mankind does not have a chance against the controllers technology, whether true or not we have no choice but to continue ahead, they are already killing us slowly.   

  • Cheryl,

    Just a possible perspective might be that all humans that strive for political office are weak, severely mind controlled, egotistical, and cleverly capable of lying.

    Assuming that voting has any effect on election outcomes which it is becoming very apparent does not,

    It is possible that a candidate could run and get elected on a platform of "Lets impeach them" but then turn into something more dangerous because it was another typical lie that these people do well.

    An example is the lies we were fed for the current admin.

    Every candidate must be tested for truth and how can we do that.

    The point is this, impeachment is not severe enough,

    Maybe we need to replace them all with sharp as tacks humans that cannot tell a lie. These people exist but have no interest in being part of what we currently have, a circus of deception.

    I do not have an answer yet, but it is coming.

    The soul prisons at Dulce come to mind.

  • Colorado just recalled two of their state representatives and is working on their third for changing their gun laws. It can be done.

  • It's time for recall elections.  The House thinks it could pass an impeachment bill.  Focus on recalling senators that won't impeach.  Get them recalled and replaced with those who will.

  • Jim,

    I agree, just because they say something is does not make it so. Liars abound in the government.

    We do need to retract all authority from these criminals, PERIOD!


  • Jim

      What just happened with Obummercare when Justice John Roberts declaring it was a tax is a good example of how our government is broken. Only congress can levy a tax and not the Supreme court.

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