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  • Keith your right its like blameing Obomau when they are all puppets of the controllers.

  • The over powering picture here is the Media not reporting this in the cities that have created this problem. There are many groups of concerned citizens trying to feed the hungry but without knowledge of what is going on it is swept under the carpet. While living in Reno in a large motel that had been converted into weekly apartments church groups delivered food tho the people who had no transportation to the food banks. I wonder now if they are still allowed to do that. People need to get truth about what is really happening and Media has become our enemy. 

  • I have seen good Judges get Smeared with sh_t they didn't do because they would not look the other way, or fall in line with them corrupt ones!

  • so true

  • Most Laws are on the Books because some rich so in so didn't like whatever. Are stepping on Natural Laws of the Heavens to give help to those that need a helping hand!

    Theirs another saying " Do unto others as you would want done unto you!"

  • Not only Mayors, just about every single tentacle of government has a bit to a lot of corruption....I don't like it but the alternative sucks more.  Remember I live in the "Windy City", pound for pound we have had more corrupt politicians than just about anywhere.  Last two governors are now in  Crooked Crooked Crooked.( 2. : dishonest <a crooked election> <crooked politicians>.)  Enjoy the read :)

  • Rewording!


    "That law has since been blocked by a federal judge, and since then many U.S. cities have been very careful not to mention "the indigent" or "the homeless" by name in the laws they pass that are intended to ban feeding the homeless."

  • Hey Jacks,

    Quick question, are you honestly gonna stop giving just because and ambiguous law says so.... I am who I am and sorry, free is a funny thing.  You are free regardless of what laws exist, more of a state of mind.  Yes there are consequences when you go against a societal law but you are still free to make the choice to go against it and stand for what you believe.  Hate many of the laws of this country but am I ever leaving, not likely.  Everyone I love is here.

  • Proof that the Mayors in major cities are part of the problem! Need to be put out on there ass, take everything they got from them so they roam around trying to feed themselves with empty pockets!

  • From what I found Las Vegas actually passed the law and it was blocked by a federal judge....still searching.

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