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  • Byron, your other post about the 10 reasons we are all terrorists now ends with the same sentiment I just expressed below... our gov't is now a terrorist organization and is legislating all citizens as terrorists.  I fear our gov't more than I fear jihadists. 

  • My feeling is that the senators were threatened into voteing yes like they were with the healthcare bill.  A bill this distructive was only discussed behind closed doors in the House, how the hell could this happen. Now is the big O waiting for xmas while no one is watching to sign it or will he do it from Hawaii on his 17 day vacation.   

  • That's a good one.  The terrorists are legislating everybody else as terrorists.

  • The ptb allegedly shot his friend.  I don't think he can be the independent observer any longer.

  • suggestion, something or someone has turned Dutrch, has he suddenly come from off the sidelines so to speak? something radicalized his views? maybe he has been mixing with the OWS people and seen things from the grassroots.

  • Kim here is the possible answer. In a real world everything Dutch said is exactly what should be done, but that has seemed to have passed us by. 

  • I don't know either, Byron, whether he can be trusted.  I hesitated in posting it, but decided better be safe than sorry too.

  • better warned and prepared.

    just went onto the NSA website via that strange link Tammy gave, Illuminati spell backwards, put a few choice phrases in the search engine--- not swear words- project Pegasus was one , mars colony, hope someone doing the search  logs will be laughing, have they a sense of humor there?

    My attitude is to treat everything we hear and see with a strong sense of the possible, not exactly disbelieving, at least a plausible hypothesis. and see how reality bears it out

  • Are they going to start arresting thousands up thousands of protesters and putting them in fema camps???

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