I don't wish to spread alarm - but thought this very important.
I thought I saw something regarding this previously on this site - but can't find it - so I'm posting. Sorry if I've doubled up - but if true - important to be aware of IMO.
Why is only Region III mentioned? Maybe the only one we are aware of - I don't know.
Danger period appears to be October thru November 2013 - be prepared!
This seems to line up with Comet ISON - maybe? Maybe it's a man made emergency - however the reference to "extreme climate change" seems to indicate a global or galactical event.
Could still be a cover for a man made event? I honestly don't know.
3 day emergency kits for all school children required, etc, etc, etc.
Please watch and listen with discernment.
Watch the video here:
October 1st is the new federal fiscal year.
Obummercare is so screwed up I can't see it ever getting off the ground.
Oct 1st is when Obummercare is to be implemented. Funny how the danger period is scheduled around this time.
REGION II: New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico, Virgin Island. Regional Capitol: New York City
REGION III: Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, District of Columbia. Regional Capitol: Philadelphia
Peter, I'll let everyone know if I see anything; however, I'm in the rural part of the state.
Kim it looks like your on the outskirts of the region also.
I hope this is nothing but fear mongering.....
It will be interesting to see if you are able to witness anything Cheryl.
We also need to remember this with all the foreign troops being trained. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGsz0eV-Ckk