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  • Okay, Peter... here's an excel spreadsheet:  Notice the tabs at the bottom of the spreadsheet.  It opens in the Raw Data tab.  The other tabs view the data from different perspectives, but none appear to relate to specific occurrences.

    Each fireball since 1/1/2005 is listed.  However, they are not attributed to any particular event.  You could see when recurring events (Persids, Geminids, etc.) occur and note them.

  • y.w.

  • Cheryl that is an awesome site thanks.

  • Here's their site:

    Under the Fireballs tab, select Fireballs Logs.

    This presents each fireball in reverse chronological order.  You could copy each month per year into an excel spreadsheet, unless you can find it already done somewhere else on the site.

  • Can these figures be broken down to month by month and / or possibly attributed to certain events?

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