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  • No, Kim, I hadn't heard of it.  I'll check it out.  I have heard of leaky gut, I think it may have been coined by William Crook, M.D., who authored the seminal The Yeast Connection.  I had problems with yeast back in the mid-eighties, when I first contracted CFIDS/FM.

    I limit red meat consumption to an every once in a while thing.  I'm still doing very well on the South Beach diet, phase 1 -- the diabetes is controlled without medication, wheat isn't an issue since it's not allowed on Phase 1, and, oooooh, I found a chocolate syrup made with stevia. 

    It's at and it is just chocolate and stevia (no sugar alcohols, and other junk).  It's delicious and has no calories, <1 g carb per 2 teaspoons.  Woo-hoo! It's a syrup, thicker than Hershey's, and what's nice about it is that I can use it to flavor the plain non-fat yogurt and organic milk, though it's tasty all by itself.  I also use carob powder and stevia in the yogurt and milk.

    I also get their whey protein powder sweetened with stevia and xylitol.  So, I'm getting my chocolate fix.  :D  Since I'm lactose intolerant, I find the whey is easier to digest.  This particular product is a blend of whey concentrate, whey isolate, and whey hydrolsylate.  Each has a varying degree of lactose in it, with the isolate being said to have the least amount.  But, for me, it works.

  • Have you heard of the Auto Immune Protocol diet Cheryl?  I have heard of some putting the auto immune issues in remission with people doing this diet for many weeks to heal the gut.

    As to what I have heard people with auto immune most likely have leaky gut.  The AIP diet heals this.

    I have not tried the diet yet however I do try to avoid those foods that flare up my auto immune.  Wheat I will not eat at all as it's the worst offender.

    As to red meat, I was energetically tested for food intolerances.  One of them that showed was Beef and Turkey.  I could not believe turkey was.  Also Cod and shrimp showed up...

  • That's great it resolved.  Yes, hands, and ears too. 

    Simple things can help so much.  In fact, if we all learned the simple things we can do, the worser things might not ever develop.

    I read an article yesterday that they've found the reason of why red meat causes colon cancer in some people.  It has a certain sugar in higher amounts than other meats that create an immune response.  Prolonged immune response creates inflammation.  Too much inflammation for too long creates the environment in which tumors can grow. 

    I have several autoimmune issues.  I now rarely eat red meat.  Having become diabetic, I've also cut out all breads and sweets, and other high carb foods.  I've lost weight and am feeling so much better.  Diet is a big factor and I suspect probably is a cause for the inflammation/autoimmune problems.

  • Works on hands too! And if you know of a good massage therapist, you know with Great hands, I lost the use of my left arm shoulder down. My friends that live next door have Great hands While working with me every bone in my spine in one movement just let loose! Well I didn't need a bone cracker anymore!

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