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  • 25 mg for adult, 15 to 20 for children.  Dr. Starita said this radioactive contamination will be global, shortly (not cool).  And if you get zeolite in drops, that is taken 1 drop per day.  (I don't know the dosage for essential guardian yet). 
  • There is a limit on how much zinc one should take per day, isn't there?
  • I talked to my holistic provider today and she said she recommends three products to protect from radiation.  One is Zeolite, the other is Essential Guardian, and also a homeopathic called Radialgen (spelling?).  Either one of those is sufficient.   The homeopathic is used in water (one drop to a gallon for humans and put in bowls water troughs for critters) and also can be used for animals (I will be getting this).  Also taking zinc has an effect of protecting us from radiation. 

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