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  • I couldn't watch the spectacle. But there is something sinister at play. A lot of people here believe Mandela died a whike back already when he was hospitalised. He was moved to his home supposedly where he eventually died. But that cannot be confirmed because it was all hailed in secrecy and he was never seen. It was simply reported to the people by family members. And now this country is swarming with them. Leaves me cold.
  • I didn't see it.

  • They know. And they have no intention of telling us. It is close, very close and they still manage to keep us distracted. It is so frustrating to watch as everyone, especially now here in South Africa gets swept up in the 'drama' of it all while they set up themselves to become the rulers of this land.
  • I watched the Nelson Mandela memorial event last night in South Africa where many of the present and past world leaders were present - it was strange - it had a very surreal feel to it.

    Before I read this article - whilst watching the memorial I felt as if there was a hidden agenda and Mandela's memorial was just a cover.

    Did anyone else see it / experience this?

  • This is the last week before the US Congress recesses, so the timing is lining up.

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