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  •  Weiynala of styx, yes it does..... but it's very rare..
  • Yes, and he says severe weather up to tornado status....
  • He was on TV and gave his background information there.. I thought I posted it here..
  • I see what you're saying, Charlotte.  Would the people on the ground have felt the temperature differences, since the cloud was so low?  And would it have been vertical, instead of horizontal?
  • Thanks for the correction, Dianna.  I didn't know he is a weatherman.  I did think he had a science background of some sort.

    Keith, I thought he had been right on a number of storms that came within 24-48 hours after he spotted the radar rings.

  • Dianna  in the back of my mind is the fact that something will eventualy activate them and maybe I will become a zombie. Or maybe one of the three diseases they have encapsulated  waiting to be triggered, cancer, pneumonia and bacterium. My belief is that it will be a chemical from chemtrails just before the PTB sneak off to their bunkers and the military will bury us while the potbellied pedophiles sip their martini's.Most people with Morgellons will never even know they have it. The nanobots have the ability to change into what ever they want some of the scientist say they have the ability to change the entire planet into a grey jell like substance, maybe they did that to mars ? They are truely a syfy movie in the works.
  • In answer to Cheryl.. not exactly the SAME thing.. dutchsinse is a weatherman and very savvy.  He is following the HAARP 'weaponry', and when he sees these anomolies, there is horrible weather at that location about 48 hours later.  Even where I live, the sky is always overcast.  Must be something big out there to cover up.

    In answer to Byron Wilkens... we have probably all been exposed to Morgellans by this time.  The thing is, (this is ugly).... IF, I will say IF, they wanted to, HAARP can target those nanobugs to activate, thus causing a painful death.  At the present time, they are NOT activated... in neutral, so to speak..  They are intelligently controlled and growing all the time.

    p.s.  I expect at any time to be hauled away for posting as much as I do... Run for the hills, guys, while there is time.  Also, many of these video sites get shut down asap of posting something so controversial... but, you knew that...

  • Wow, very interesting to see!  I have no idea what it is but I'd guess it is moisture, hot air, and cold air doing some sort of mixing.   It is over a lake.  Water vortexes are usually small, not massive like this beast.  I need a meteorologist to provide in put before I make any conclusions.  There are extreme temperature differences this year for some reason.  So it could be 90 degree hot air mixing with 55 degree colder air, where in the past might have been 80/68 difference, see what I mean? One is 35 degree mixing and the other only 12 degrees.  As I understand it, the more the temperature difference, the more violent the mixing.
  • Or incubating something unspeakable?
  • Maybe they are mixing a toxic coctail
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