global eruption

during the early hours of august 1st, nasa's solar dynamic obserservatory recorded a complex global disturbance of the earth-facing side of the sun. mostof the sun's northern hemisphere was invovled in the event, which included a long-duration c3-class solar flare, a "solar tsunami" and a massive filament eruption. as a result of these blast, a cme is heading towards earth. high latitude geomagnetic storms and auroras are possible when the cloud arrives a few days hence.

i saved the video to my computer in case someday we can post video's.


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  • Great post Joe, thanks for the warning!!! (Due to my workload, I may have missed this one, had you not posted it; so dont you delete it or go anywhere!)

    Indeed Chris, but didnt this Jan 4th cme preceed the Haiti Quakes (fortunately they occured in a somewhat isolated area, but what if they occurred elsewhere, like a key plate boundary?). I definitely feel/agree that it's in our best interest to not dicount cme warnings.

    Chris I also think it's best to not speak for "everyone" since you dont know them or the condition of their minds. Per the Zetas, they aren't at all interested in "being credited", just that we pay attention, look around, read the signs, and heed the warnings. As for Nancy, she gets plenty of credit, and certainly heaps alot of it on herself with self-agrandising claims of richness, interantional fame and stardom, and she's busy promoting her own shine pretty heavily; so no shortage there (but we all know... all that smears itself with glitter is not gold)! I will thank her for showing her true colors though; that was no doubt a Godsend!
  • I appreciate your work as well Joe, but has I've admitted before, I'm useless when it comes to understanding what the graphs and magnetic things mean.
  • I differ to your knowledge Joe, I for one have just recently started looking. I do respect and trust your judgement. I didn't mean any offense by my comment and please don't stop being the way you are. The information you post is important and appreciated. I simply was saying that I don't understand the dynamics involved in CME nor do I understand the magnetic field charts that have been posted. I just don't know. I honestly didn't mean any offense and please accept my apology.
  • did either of you two go to the link and view the vide? i have been watching cme's since 2001, because they can, and at least once already, shut down my defibulator. believe what you want but take your debate between the two of you else where. i may stop posting, because everybody just wants to bicker instead of moving on. you's are so brain washed that all of nasa are liers, but yet everyone uses stero, which is from nasa. end iof debate i will delete this post. i spend 18 hrs a day on the computer for this group when i don't have to. i know where i am at and where i am going. and to hell with the zetas. they have been wrong more often than what people believe. enough. joe.
  • Keith,

    Thanks for the info. I for some reason was under the impression that a major adjustment would happen off the coast of Japan then off the coast of California and then the New Madrid would adjust. Guess I got them a little mixed up.

    I would have to agree with you. The sun has been having cme for longer than we have been noticing them, who is to say what it normal and what is not.
  • to chris and keith. you can survive an earthquake, and you can move away from an earthquake area, but you can not outrun a cme. to edina jeanette hasn't been over for a couple of days. she the the stove fire, than the end of the month reports and for the next five days she has to collect rent. its like the worst period a wman can experience. i try to get over to her place to help her when i can. i actually take over her kitchen, and help with the reports. she's not good at paperwork but she knows how to fill an apartment building with good people. pbd most of my post are usually short and not too detailing. to help members that may not understand some of the more intimate details on a subject. thank all of you for responding. some areas may get it by little to nothing or may have problems. me i'll be sitting in the bathtub, it's made out of steel. j&j.
  • Joe, I did not mind you emailing me about this, thanks so much. Since March of this year I have been guided to CME proof my back up power supplies, and after time electronic educational media. I have been consistently guided from my internal wisdom to have these Faraday cage protected media completed by August. This post along with a few of the other solar activity posts, and related information of some increased electro-magnetic activity in our atmosphere all serve to confirm my own intuition in this area. I also believe that this possibility was hinted at, for the aware observer, in recent ZT chat material. Whatever the source behind some of the ZT material may be, some of that information has proven to be very useful to me. So, I continue to look at it, and all sorts of information sources, to gather the pieces of a large, very large, big picture. And to prepare for the coming events as best as possible. Thanks again Joe, for all you do here, say Hi to Jeannette.
  • Keith,

    Just curious what makes you think that the new madrid will adjust before the san adreas?
  • Wow! Good work, Joe!
  • the strange thing is carla is that i did not read your blog first. when i got back from moneytree and checked my regular emails, there was an alert message from spaceweather. in 19 years they never sent me one, so i rushed to post then read your blog, i got scared at how they coincided with each other that is what i call physic connection.
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