All energy in the Cosmos consists of the male and the female energy, and all development in Cosmos and on Earth happens through reciprocation between these two divine energy polarities. The male energy (yang) represents “light”, birth, expansion, spirit, high frequency, intellect, activity and sky. The female energy (yin) represents “darkness”, death, regression, matter, low frequency, intuition, rest and Earth. The purpose of all development of consciousness is the balance between these energy polarities. When they are in complete balance with each other, the Divine Light, or the Divine energy of Love, emerge – which consists of half male and half female energy.
The knowledge of the male and the female energy is a timeless and all-embracing wisdom that applies for all living life in Cosmos, from small organisms to huge galaxies. This ancient and timeless wisdom has today been forgotten and suppressed, but fragments of it have been kept in different cultures all over the world. The most famous examples are the Taoists’ yin and yang, and the indigenous people’s worship of Mother Earth and Father Sky.
On Earth there is an enormous surplus of male energy, and an enormous shortage of female energy. The female energy has since long been suppressed on Earth, which has led to negative associations to everything that the female energy represents, for example notions about darkness as evil, and Earth’s interior (the source of the female energy on Earth) as Hell. Just as there is harmful and imbalanced darkness, there is also harmful and imbalanced light, and much of the destructivity on Earth today is a result of imbalanced light. In their purest forms, the darkness energy is just as sacred as the light energy. The lack of female energy is the single biggest cause of the imbalances prevailing on Earth today; everything from humans physical and mental illness and humanity’s destructive lifestyle, to wars, poverty, environmental degradation and natural disasters.
The energy imbalance has created a very critical situation for Mother Earth and she goes through a tremendous amount of suffering every day. Together we can help her rebalance her system and ease her pain. It’s humanity’s task to balance Mother Earth’s energy system and work with the female energy from Earth’s interior. She depends on us like we depend on her. We are ONE with Mother Earth. She is our First Mother, and we are her keepers. Humanity is now starting to regain this timeless wisdom.
The surplus of male energy is also strengthened by the large amounts of cosmic light that are pouring in over Earth before the transition to the New Spiritual Age. The male energy is a necessary part of Earth’s energy raising, but the female energy is equally necessary. It’s humanity’s task to work with Earth’s female energies, to create the grounding base that Earth and humanity need in order to being able to receive the cosmic male light and go through the consciousness raising and the Transition in the way that is meant. The union and the balancing of the male and the female energy – the light and the darkness – is an necessary and deciding part of Earth’s and humanity’s transition to the New Spiritual Age.
Through these healing sessions, we serve as channels for the female energy from Earth’s inner core, and help spreading it in Earth’s energy system and on her surface. A huge network of ascended masters, other civilizations in Cosmos, and nature spirits on Earth participates during the healing session – all helping to balance, strengthen and direct the flow of female energy to the places where it’s most needed. Through the healing sessions, a gradual balancing of Earth’s energy system happens, which help both Earth and humanity to become energetically ready for the final transition to the New Spiritual Age, that will happen in a number of years depending on the energy development on Earth.
These sessions have an enormous impact on the healing of Mother Earth, far beyond our imagination! The effect also increases exponentially with every new individual joining us! When we take part in the healing sessions to Mother Earth, we also receive the energy ourselves, which is tremendously beneficial for our spiritual transformation, since humanity also suffers from an enormous shortage of female energy. Just as Earth, humanity also need to create balance between those two energy polarities in our energy systems.