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  • Okay, Kim, start working on Plan D.  Any relatives or friends you can go to?  Can you get set up there?
  • Siz, I blogged your hypothetical and pinned it.  Great topic!
  • AS long as the economy doesn't take it away.

    At my place, we have a) my basement  b) two heavy metal box trailers  c) huge metal pipe.

    But again, this could be taken away from us at a moment's notice (due to economy).

  • I'm close. Moveing DIRT tuesday. I'll be covering a 20 feet , WWT { wind, water tight } shipping container. Can be done in 10 days. If you have Land and 10 grand.  Elenin should be watched... 9-11-11 it will start and orbit will change...

  • True.
  • I agree with James.  Guns are a necessary evil, for defense.  It's not just the two-legged critters we have to watch out for.  There will be plenty of wild animals, or pets gone wild, that will be freaked out.  What is the point of surviving just to become dog food to a pack of wild dogs?  Imagine a rabid animal charging at you.  Bet you'll wish you had a gun then.  The best thing to do is be as remote as you can be, to avoid problems.

    Jim, a large percentage of ZT was information already known in other writings.  David Wilkerson predicted a lot 20 years before ZT even began.  It's said that there are different possible realities.  The good aliens are there, but they won't do it all for us.  They'll meet us halfway, but we have to do what we can.

  • It is all very strange!  Now think about this, we were shown maps about how things will be after the shift ( the new world).   Look at the map from the flood zone right now of the Missisippi  river.  It is pretty much as the Z's predicted.  only  the shift did not happen yet.  I have often wondered if enough folks pondered on one thought at the same time, could it come to pass?  Many think so.  Or is it that the aliens can see all the thing from a future point in time but are not sure if they are happening all at once.  They have predicted the grid going down and cities out of power.  That actualy happened in New York.  They say that the world will be covered in radiation from Nuke plands being destroyed.  That actualy happened in Japan.  And we all know about the floods they had along with end of the world type destruction. It all makes me say "Huuumm."  Something to think about.  But in the aliens support, they did say that such things including WW3 will all happen before the total pole shift.  So I guess that it would be prudent to stock up on supplies and prepare for anything!  Just in case!
  • shelter no, I'm more preparing for the worse side of man kind. Once bad things happen and the govt loses control it will be chaos through the street, rapes, robberies, raiding, etc. Im more focused on stocking up on things to keep my family and friends safe such as guns, weapons, ammo if this plays out like i see it.  As much as I hate guns or thought of using one on another human if it comes between that and protecting family, its a must.
  • Glad you are working on it, Pat. 

    I agree with the rest of you about the dates.  I gave up trying to keep track.  Elenin is the most solid date there is.  If Elenin is going to be as bad as it sounds like, we should be really see its affects by August, wouldn't you think?

    Let's keep brainstorming for the quickest way to get a shelter in place, for those who may not be able to do anything until the last minute. 


  • NO!!!  Still working on getting one.
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