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  • Self-defense is allowed and I have always advocated on this site to be adequately prepared in that regard.  While that wasn't a popular thing to say, it is a reality, like you said Don, that we need to prepare for.  The right to bear arms is the difference between serfs and citizens. 

  • Don that was easy to understand and should apply to any intelligent being. There is a point where throwing light will not get you anywhere but throwing rocks might, the noose is getting tighter and the longer we take to decide whether or not we can fight back the more danger we are in. 

  • Why on earth did I just say that?

  • Cheryl,

    In no way do I advocate violence, and I also am committed to living in a world where weapons are not needed for any reason. Unfortunately this world is not there yet. I also am committed to avoid any personal violence including that involving weapons of any kind. Frankly I believe that personal weapons are juvenile and do not fit in any way in a galactic community.

    What I believe is all great, but the reality is, we have to deal with many beings that do not think like I do and are intent on using personal weapons to suppress and oppress simple innocent humans.

    For as long as I have to be exposed to those beings intent on violence I cannot have disregard  for the safety of innocent persons and my own body.

    So with that said, I must remain on guard against those beings with whatever means is necessary.

    For now I cannot say more.

  • I don't advocate violence, just like I am no lover of guns, but I'm a realist and know how things go.  This country is not used to the concept of being serfs and our arrogant government isn't playing their cards close to the vest any longer.  I think Obamacare has backfired and awakened many people.  And you know the saying, when there's nothing left to lose...

  • I am thinking the same thing as you two.

  • Yep!

  • Yes, the behavior is too bizarre and this country has not suffered for centuries under the king's oppression.  I think there is some major blowback coming.

  • Cheryl,

    This is how dictatorship works. They think, make them do what we tell them too.

    That thinking will get them in deep trouble in the very near future.

    I for one will not tolerate it any longer, and I know companies with resources will do the same.

    It would not surprise me to see this administration removed by force in the near future.

  • It is blackmail.  It is unconstitutional, as the article stated.  It is unbelievable.  Maybe corporate America will fight back.  Though I see how Humana, etc. would not want to lose their Medicare accounts and will probably kow-tow to the WH Mafia.

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