here is where you can order it they only ask fr post and packing which s negligible. I have ordered mine but wanted to make this information more openly available to the rest of you. it may be of great interest, mine is still on its way to the UK maybe by the end if this month,
is this the latest version though? he made one a few years ago, in Hawaii. the latest one is quite different. make sure Keith, you don't confuse the two. this latest one is sent free from the website. it is an update on the last focusing on the suns activity.
I am not talking about his course. I am referring to the killshot DVD. it is a compilation of what the remote viewers have seen as regards the sun. it is complete free, you only have to pay for the postage and packing. it the remote viewing dvd but the killshot dvd. he is making it freely available out of concern for the public. and what the sun may do very soon now. there is no ploy to sell you anything else, I am not buying the rest, have just ordered the killshot paid only for postage.
I have found one at least youtube videos of coast to coast and ed dames. there may be others better quality, but you may get the gist of the interview here. alternatively look on coast to coast , the website for this is below coast to coast ed dames on you tube
for the simple reason he is very very in fact deeply concerned over what the remote viewers have seen as regards the sun. really, Keith I would recommend everyone listen to his last show on coast to coast, let me supply the link. you may have to subscribe but it is only --I say only-- about 35 dollars I think, a year and the archives are quite excellent.I know how strapped some are for cash, maybe not here this forum.
so, let me do some digging here, I may find an alternative. maybe something on you tube for the coast to coast interview .
I thought ti would be a nice gesture to everyone to simply offer to pay for the postage that is the only cost, just the postage, the DVD is free Ed Dames is doing it purely as a service to the public out of concern. perhaps I am a bit silly......?
as an afterthought and call it a Christmas gift, if anyone is having a really hard time and even the cost of postage of this DVD is hard to afford, I am happy to fund it for them for the first ten people. continental US only I'm afraid as we all have costs to bear.