Hope In A Fearful World

I stumbled across an article regarding beliefs and fear.  It is an exchange of emails between a person who decided to do some research before making radical changes in her life based on fear derived from a belief system she had acquired.  http://educate-yourself.org/lte/zetatalkrockhorrorshow08feb11.shtml.  I don't agree with every comment made in this article, but there is enough valid information to make it worthwhile sharing.

The point I want to make is that fear is a powerful motivator.  It can make us do things we normally wouldn't do.  Consider this quote...

"When any government, or any church for that matter, undertakes to say to its subjects,
This you may not read, this you must not see, this you are forbidden to know,
the end result is tyranny and oppression no matter how holy the motives.
Mighty little force is needed to control a man whose mind has been hoodwinked;
contrariwise, no amount of force can control a freeman, a man whose mind is free.
No, not the rack, not fission bombs, not anything--
you can’t conquer a free man; the most you can do is kill him."

— Robert A. Heinlein, If This Goes On, 1940

Reading things that contain enough truth to make them believable, then joining a group of like-minded people who reinforce those beliefs, especially if those beliefs are based in fear, sets a person up for disaster.  That's why I insist that everyone question, consider, think, discuss, so no one is locked into any one particular system of belief without a full examination and (hopefully) these exercises help you through the passage and into the next phase so you won't fall prey to the next scandalous purveyor of damaged goods.

I know tensions are rising as earthchanges escalate and visual confirmations of celestial objects have started coming in, but don't let these things drag you down.  As the saying goes, it ain't over 'til it's over.  There are just as many factors in how these events could end life on earth as there are factors that could avert disaster.  For instance:  

  • Solar scorching could exterminate all life on this planet.  The upside is that the brown dwarf star (BDS) is four times the size of Earth and could block the worst of the storms as it passes.  Also, large ET ships could run interference with their energy fields where solar scorching would be hitting populated areas.
  • Incoming bolides (meteors, esp. those that explode) could destroy much life but our ET friends could take out the worst ones (as seems to have happened with comet Elenin) and the smaller ones will disintegrate in the atmosphere.

  • The orbital path of the BDS could change enough that its passage won't be utter devastation. 
  • Some scoff at the notion that prayers and intentions can also help mitigate factors.  But did you know that quantum physics has proven that thought precedes matter?  That means that consciousness effects change!  Remember that the ETs say they won't do it for us, but they will meet us half way, so we must do everything in our power to help. 
    Don't give up now!
  • There has also been mention in ET messages that evacuations will be happening and some ETs are working on mitigating the damage from nuclear power plants.  They have also indicated that they will be here after the passage to help re-establish the normalcy as we start to begin to build anew. 

These are just the things that we know about.  Think of living through these incredibly historic times.  Focus on being on the other side, on a new Earth where fairness will reign and everyone will enjoy true equality.  Some of you will be leaders in this new society.  Imagine the privilege of being able to help shape the future, a much brighter future.

In conclusion, consider that most of the ET messages have a similar theme running through them:  mankind, as well as Earth, are valuable to them and worthy of their assistance.  We have seen shadows of their spacecraft on NASA imaging.  We saw them two years ago divert Hellion-1957 from hitting the sun.  Comet Elenin has been de-clawed.  We have seen these things.  Most ETs are here to help.  Those are our friends.  Let's do our part so this mission is successful. 

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  • And I still haven't figured mine out, yet.  ;-)


  • Keith, I am glad to hear that.  That's interesting you mention the 30 thing.  I had that exact same feeling, but I'm over it.
  • Well, Alex, I escaped from LA nearly 13 years ago.  :-)

  • Cheryl sounds like you watched Escape from NY recently :) or was it LA

  • Carrie  a very true comment we are lucky to be here and I too welcome the change.I have known for a long time this was not the world I wanted and knew it would have to change. Now its happening.
  • Let's all learn how to surf tsunamis and have fun!

    Wow, that line just sparked memory of a dream I must have had last night.  I was in some situation where I was barely getting over the wave just as it was cresting... yikes!

  • I have not forgot how incredibly amazing this can be, it is a privilege being here......So it be this mission is successful :D......Thank you Cheryl, now get out their and.....enjoy the ride!
  • Hot dog!  Well written and said! 

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