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  • Home Depot just announced they were removing 20,000 from their insurance rolls. Other companies have already gone to part time employment to avoid the tax. The long shore men are quitting in droves. America is already a part time employment country and how many companies will be able to meet production orders. Congress is voting to reduce food stamps by 39 billion who is going to help the part time employees with food. Illegals are pouring into the country and taking benefits from those who paid for them and the only thing important is taking Assad out of power and bombing Iran. O has never had any concern for this country he just want to be the dictator of what is left. Unless something drastic happens soon, were done for.      

  • Greed isn't native to a single group.  Ocare is a meaty bone thrown to the insurance companies, and is a way to shove more control down the throats of WTP, plus kill more jobs.  How bad is it?  Look how much resistance it is meeting with those who voted for it (without reading it).  It is more socialist redistribution of wealth, which is O's agenda.  Don't think he needed any help on this one.

  • I have a very sick feeling that we won't be able to stop O care. The senate always vote with O and not with the people and if they did it would get vetoed. If there is a majority in both houses there is a way to override his veto,but I am not sure how that works. 

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