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  • Oh, I forgot about that!  BTW, that radio coming on certainly did get my attention!

  • Kim, that reminds of something I read in Laarkmaa's first book.  They contacted Pia and Cullen by turning on their radio to get their attention.

  • Add #33 to my list as many weeks ago the radio/cd player turned itself on all by itself (I was standing 3 feet from it).  Also more symptoms of #2 including energies also in the heart chakra, sometimes solar plexus, some tinglngs occasionally up and down a leg and energies around the pineal gland.  Now I am occasionally getting small electric shocks on the end of an index finger, and not while touching anything.

  • Cheryl that is so Cool, Synchronicity!

  • Hey Jacks, you're going to like this synchronicity...  I went to the Drunvalo link and as I was checking it out, I saw a link to  I was browsing through it and found something that may explain a dream I had two days ago. 

    In it, I was capturing energy and putting them into bags or orbs or packets. I kept hearing the phrase Tess Energy something. It seems like I was capturing energy, any kind of energy, and preserving it in some sort of containers (bags/orbs/packets-the different words I found to describe it) to use the energy later.  So, today on, I ran across the concept of “functional energy packets” in relation to the “flower of life” (FOL).

    When I have dreams that I don't understand, I ask for explanations and soon after the answer(s) arrive.

  • Had time to go over the list.  These are the symptoms I am having: 2, 5, 6 (not as hungry), 8 - audio dyslexia only, 9, 12, 15 (since 2010 had four of these "dreams", three which were of another ning member), 16, 17, 21, 24, 27, 30 (visions only, had 2 of these between 2010, and 2011), 31, 34, 35, 37, 38, 39, 41 (always been close with animals my whole life - all life is sacred), 45 as in memory lapses have increased (how many times have I been chastised for forgetting something?  MANY).  48, 50 (bigtime)

  • This may help in alinement  so healing can acure

    Drunvelo – How to fully activate Pineal Gland antennas


  • Lots of them, too many to list as I don't have time right now.

  • #45 has become much more noticeable since December.  Just give me pictures or music, I don't wanna read or think any more!

  • They all are happening to me but numbers 45, 50 and 51 in particular resonated!

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