This is the FUBAR to end all FUBARs. A large number of people have had or will have their medical insurance cancelled but can't sign up because of the website problems. So, who is going to pay for the inevitable emergencies and on-going care while the mess is untangled? Diabetics need their insulin every day of every month. Those who need O2, same thing.
The firestorm over cancellations represents much more than a PR problem for supporters of the ACA, because millions of Americans could find themselves without insurance as the federal program that was supposed to represent a better alternative malfunctions, leaving no practical alternatives. In retrospect, it seems obvious the experts implementing the ACA should have seen this coming. Yet the cancellation controversy reveals how Washington policymakers basically disregarded the very people — those who purchase individual insurance plans because they can’t get affordable coverage through an employer — who were bound to suffer the most disruption caused by the sweeping health-care reform law.
And the government is notorious for reporting numbers that are extremely optimistic relative to actual numbers.
A good example is their unemployment number of 7.2% when the actual number is 23%
That 10 million number could easily end up at 30 million
I wonder if we will ever see the true numbers. I think if the congress critters had actually read the ACA and understood it and asked questions before it was rolled out, perhaps these problems could have been averted. The damage is already migrating through the economy with loss of full time jobs and cancelled policies. The xmas retail season should be telling.
I think it is a little early to be able to give out figures of how many will be uninsured, I think it will be much higher. Our economy is like an ecosystem and once you destroy part of it, the damage goes to many other parts.