Confirmation of something I've said a few times:
One of the Controllers’ favorite techniques to deceive New Age followers is to trick them into thinking that problems can be solved by heavily concentrating on love and light. If it were that easy, we would have freed ourselves from this Earth drama a long time ago. If we live in a perfect world, thinking love and light would work. However, we live in a heavily polarized reality that is very dense and low in vibration. These features make it hard for us to utilize the true power of thought and therefore our thoughts have a hard time manifesting energy into material things. However, when we combine our thoughts, the thought manifestation process strengthens exponentially, but it is still not enough to stop the dark agendas of the NWO. A better technique is to combine positive thoughts with affirmative actions.
Exactly. We have to be part of the solution by DOing. Not just THINKing. Or HOPing. Action is affirmation of our belief in Love and Light, and Kindness.
I am so happy that light is shinning in all these dark places.