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  • Christian churches have dispute resolution or church courts for civil matters, but they adhere to criminal laws.  For instance, stoning is not practiced.  I can't see any way to reconcile Muslim honor killings with secular murder laws.  How long would it take before Muslims would be killing non-Muslim women for not wearing the veils?  The non-Muslim families would demand justice, the Muslim system would protect the killer.  Then there would chaos and divide. 

  • I agree Cheryl - no religion should be exempt from criminal laws.

    The idea I was trying to get across below is that religion should not determine law - as in Sharia Law for example.

    Maybe I'm looking at this too simplistically - I know laws in Christian countries are based on their religious beliefs - but if we took this power from religions (plural) maybe there would be less antagonism in the world.

    I may be in an area I don't have enough knowledge in - but there must be a solution.

  • Off the cuff, civil laws can be settled by church courts; but no religion should be exempt from criminal laws. 

  • Peter

     the last figures I heard said that a population could stay even if there was a 2.1 child policy there would be enough younger people to work to support the older population. China as a 1 child policy and within a few years are doomed. Islam has an average of 3.6 or close so they will over populate any country they occupy and yes in two generations. America was 2.3 but declining quickly. Lets hope that Islam is not given this opportunity for our futures sake. These figures are very close to what is happening. Ouch   

  • I read some where, quite some time ago now, considering current reproductive rates in the UK, people with Islam as their religion will be dominant in the UK within 2 generations.

    Think what that means regarding elected officials and politicians and think where that may lead regarding legislation!

    Whist the world can't segregate religions to separate countries or regions indefinitely - a solution needs to be found to the glaringly obvious problem created when any one religion tries to dominate at the expense of every other religion.

    I'm not sure I know the answer - but perhaps we need to separate laws from religion somehow in society. No matter what we do (unless proven otherwise) many people will continue to be religious and have their own beliefs, but surely there can be universal type laws and legislation that are based on commonsense that cannot be highjacked by any one religious doctrine.

    Any other suggestions?

  • Funny thing about religious freedom,  you are free to decide what religion you want to be but once you pick one you are a slave from that time on.  And they all tell you the same thing,  give me your money, your loyalty, and follow the church rules! 

  • Jim

      I agree, remembering your heritage is good, but shoving Sharia law down our throats because Islam and Allah are the only true religion and god is not acceptable.  

  • Byron, I have NO problem with anyone coming to the U S to make it their new home as long as the become Americans and not try to change us into their country.  And we need  areas that are ethnic  like Little China, or the German, French , Italian, Asian, etc. neighborhoods.  We all have to remember our roots.  But not force America to speak Spanish, etc. 

  • Yet something else America needs to wake up to. 

  • Jim 

      The plan by the MB was to move to different countries and use there own democracy against them to change the rules. Its called the Caliphate and a couple copies have been found. The Muslims never consider themselves to be a minority. They can't go to a country and accept the rules and culture there, they have to change it to suit them. France, Britain and Holland are having big  problems with the. Russia just deports them and China has just started shooting them like Egypt has. They have been a real cancer to the world. We have a very large population here and they are very serious about taking control of everything they can.     

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