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  • Door handle coming right off, My first thought is maybe its a sign not to drive in that moment.
    A broken plate - my mom would always say that it signifies change is coming, Puerto Rican Wives Tale :)
    The heating Element going out...imagine what could have happened if it had not gone of the most common sources of home fires that exist, once again what you are calling bad luck may just have protected you.
    Hubby forgetting to make an important call, you already knew that we men tend to be a bit spastic when it comes to responsibilities, before you ever married the fellow, and 1k hurts but money is not the end all be all.....
    Yes you are a target of something, challenges make us better people and are wonderful opportunities to learn what not to do so take it in stride and keep smiling because at the end of the day all that is required to be happy is say so.
    Be blessed and look on the brighter side of life .....
  • You are sooo right.

    My broken car door handle (came off right in my hand) is just that, a broken door handle - $13 for a pair / aftermarket. At least it wasn't a windshield, or something more expensive.

    A broken plate (one of my most favorite) is just that, a broken plate. I have one less plate to wash.

    The heating element going out in my dryer. Still working on this one. I don't dare hang them outside to dry. Tried that once and they didn't smell very good after drying.

    Hubby forgetting to make an important phone call, costing us close to $1K. I'm breathing deep, even breaths. It too will be OK.

    So much more happening --- I'm a target of something... but, it'll be alright.

  • You are the master of your destiny!  You can chose to let the bad in or you can chose to take it as a learning experience and move on.  If I focused on all the bad things that have happened to me, I would be absolutely miserable!  No way! Not me!  JMO

  • Just my thoughts Msred..... Keep that chin up, life throws us some pretty amazing challenges but when we emerge from them we are always better for it, if only through the act of surviving them.

  • I would have to disagree, because it all comes down to perspective, if you see it as bad luck than that is exactly what it is but if you see it as a challenge that you will overcome it doesn't carry anywhere near as bad a connotation for you and becomes a manageable reality that can be dealt with and moved beyond.  Bad luck comes in a multitude of flavors but it all ends up being simply an unwanted happenstance that should not be quantified since it is simply something that happened that you have absolutely no control over....Change the way you see it and it will not be bad luck.  I believe in the concept of luck but do I depend on it, nope, but I also ascribe to the concept of manifest destiny so I am usually of the school of thought that you should always try to see a positive in every situation just to avoid causing a negative outcome.

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