BPEarthWatch is doing a fantastic job with these videos. Included here, is a good explanation of what we are actually seeing through the Stereo A images and what direction the objects are moving.
In my mind, there is still a possibility that ISON is a biosphere (a.k.a. Tolec) - checkout the image from 2:50 thru to 3:15.
What do you think?
11.28.13. For those number of you who have written to me asking - the answer is: Yes.
The biosphere - Xanterexx [called by the news media: "comet Ison"] is in fact the "Blue Star Kachina". It signifies the coming of major changes to this planet, the harbinger of change & 'open first contact ' I spoke of in my September 7th video on this topic. It marks the ending of the "4th world" & the beginning events of the "5th world"... as a new, about to be birthed, mid-level, 4D, higher dimensional planet Earth.
This confirmation was provided to me in the past two (2) days by my contacts on the Andromeda Council who are originally from the planet Dakote, origin planet of a great many indigenous Native Americans, including the Hopi, of the star system Taygeta, constellation Pleiades. The Hopi consider themselves to be direct descendants of people from the Pleiades.
Pat, I don't think the giant orb is PX. It acts more like it is under intelligent control.
Very true Donald.
It is very possible that there are layers of deception here. It is very hard to know what to believe.
BPEarthWatch is working from what he has available and (as you have said) the base information could easily be false or fake. Still he tries his best to explain what's happening according to the available information.
Tolec's version (regarding ISON being a biosphere) is unprovable at this stage and is obviously harder to "swallow".
And then if both are wrong - what is ISON?
I'm still leaving all options open.
We have been lied to so many times I really don't believe in much of anything any more and just wait to see what happens. I think BP E means well but like you said he can also be deceived by NASA.
Kim it looks to me like we are going to get hit with a pile of debris but it could be all fear being pushed on us to distract us from something else.
BPEarthWatch has done a very good job. I do like his reports because he always adds common sense to the picture. I always make a point to watch his videos.
My problem is that he is relying on cameras that are operated by a entity (Nasa) that is known to be deceptive and although he is trying to present the true picture his data may be skewed.
For example a recent video he showed how he found a very large planetoid that had been scrubbed from the Nasa video footage.
It took me a while to understand how they may have done it to fool everyone including BPEarthWatch.
The planetoid had craters and looked very much like the moon, so it would not surprise me that Nasa has a crew of computer graphic people working on every image that is released and did a good job to hustle us all.
How would they do it?
Step 1: Clip an image of the moon
Step 2: Superimpose the moon image onto 4 frames of a genuine video capture of Ison post perihelion
Step 3: scrub the moon image from the video except for 1 frame and add lighting to that frame to match the sun flare.
Step 4: Release the altered video to the public so they can find the planetoid in 1 frame of the video and make it look like Nasa is hiding reality.
Now, I am not a video expert but I have worked with Adobe Flash for years now and the above is entirely possible. Avid video editing users would call the action above child's play.
So I say again,
Who or what do you want to believe
Will this mess actually come close enough to us to affect the earth as in lots of meteor showers?
we're cool..
GT hope you didn't take that personal I am half frozen and weird too.
No its a biosphere you weirdo.
it's Nibiru/Hercolubus/PX pat!
c'mon now git wit da program.... lol
sorry, i'm in a wierd mood...