I was taking a break from the forum for a few weeks but events are beginning to be more prescient as each day goes by. nwhat may be rolling down the track is more than the locomotive , look at all the wagons behind it!!!
I came back after I had a message from one of the friends on here who I respect greatly as I do all, and ended up making I hope a contribution to the hydroponic discussion. now I must turn my attention to water filtration as best my knowledge allows.
what is it we all need, in an emergency? not food, forget food at least for two maybe three weeks. figuratively speaking of course.Unless we are well supplied with it, have stocks .the one thing we need in fact our bodies beg for is water. after three days we are nearing the end of our incarnation here on earth unless we get re hydrated.
the answer is surprisingly simple so long as we have a few basics of equpment, and means of purifying the water. so, here is my plan, which I intend to carry out soon I hope at least experimentally.
first, reconnoiter your local area, find where the nearest supply of water is, a running stream a river, even a hole in the ground where water collects. it is all usable. now for the filter. my own design is as follows. the primary filter, uses horticultural gravel, horticultural sand and charcoal. now the easiest charcoal to find is barbecue charcoal it may not be the best but should work. Now, find a large plastic food grade container about 5 gallon is adequate . now I would cut a hole in the bottom as this will be the top. not too large a hole as this weakens it.
now, place a small pices if metal gauze in the bbottm whic js niw wher the spoiut is. ths wilkl mjeep the materils in. nexty place about vtw inches of gravel in a layer and alternate thus with the sand and charcoal making sevaral two inch layers until you reach the top. now thus should be the primary filter, for say pond or river water.
the next state of filtarion I would use a big berkey, I have my own as yet unused, and this will bring it to a greater level of purity. used all day it should supply a families needs.
now you should have either iodine but preferably bleach, pure bleach, not the gel bleach which is poisonous. about a teaspoon in one or two litres of water should be enough to make it drinkable. also you can store it in plastic bottles in the sun for I believe six hours and this will also purify it. adding colloidal silver will also help but I would rely on the bleach.
once you have thus system installed an working about seventy percent of your survival needs are sorted out so long as the basis water supply lasts. and if you store water store place it where the sunlight can at least penetrate the water containers. lastly secure your water supply first, make sure it s available each day, then get the filters. know your neighborhood, know your neighbors
just a word, I have rewritten this whole posting, and corrected my typing errors. I can spell by the way, but have little co ordination on the keyboard. so, in future for anything of length, I am using a wordproccesor, at least in some cases. I will stop making silly typing errors from now on, promise!!!!
I will post links later on, but first the damned car need new tyres, anyone got three hundred dollars spare??
i have some links planned so leave it with me.
Yes! Brilliant, Nicholas... Tell me, though, what is a 'berkey'... in USA English? please.. I am thinking a bag of some sort? or a bucket? all these ingredients are so available... Thank you!
in fact the typing is so bad a disgrace really, I will remake this post and make sure the spelling is accurate. later on today. I will use a word processor in future and paste into the blog.
I will try to type accurately, my typing is dreadful i know by all means correct this if you wish.
I would use willow charcoal which s the best I believe. also it may be possible to make your own which I will go into later in another post. this may be the best method. anyhow, break the charcoal up as fine as you can, not quite to a powder, this will,increase the surface area. have pure charcoal not treated with anything, willow charcoal is best I believe but ordinary barbecue charcoal will do, if that is all you have. again I will research this later on.
now, another post I hope to make is how to secure a room in fact a whole house from flooding if or when the roof blows off. This is a bit involved shall we say comprehensive and I promise cheryl, to get my typng sortd out!!!
( I mena sorted out!!!) forgive the humor...
Wow Nicholas!
That is an awesome set up!
All things needed are easily and cheaply available
Thank you, I think it is a brilliant set up and you are so right! we can not live long with out clean water
Would the charcoal need to be broken up into pieces? Also, don't get charcoal already coated with something flammable so that it lights easily?
A few typos in the blog...how many inches of gravel?
Alex, you might have gotten one of those paratrooper water filters? If so, how do you like it?