Food for thought:

- Preparing For WW3 Level False Flag, Terrorists Film 9 Staged Chemical Attack Videos In Syria

By William B Stoecker - All News Pipeline

Just before the outbreak of WWI, someone expressed a fear that a major war might erupt over “some damned fool thing in the Balkans.” And the murder of the Austrian Archduke by a Serbian (Serbia is a Balkan nation) set off the Great War, which, in turn, led to all the other horrors of the twentieth century. Now there is a real danger that a world-ending nuclear holocaust could be set off by a foolish act in Syria…and if it is we will have Donald Trump to thank for it…for the buck does indeed stop at his desk.

I am far from an anti-Trumper. I voted for him and worked briefly as a volunteer at his campaign headquarters. His economic policies, including lower taxes and some deregulation, have benefited our economy in the short run (in the long run we will suffer the consequences of the continued deficit spending which Trump has not even begun to control).

He has spoken the truth to the American people regarding the elites and their deep state and the menace of uncontrolled immigration. But between his rhetoric and reality, between word and deed, there is a gap. From the beginning, having promised to drain the swamp, he has packed his regime with CFR members, Bonesmen, neocons, and Goldman-Sachs alumni…creatures from the deepest part of the swamp. He is always just about to build the wall, but he signed a spending bill that funds Planned “Parenthood” but not the wall. He could at least put the military on the border to supplement the Border Patrol (Mexico, by invading us, has already violated the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo).


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  • All presidents are fallible.  Trump has done more than any of his predecessors.  Hillary would have ruined this country.  So.  Where is the justification that Trump isn't good enough?  No one person can please all the people all the time.  He's brought more truth to the surface than any president.  It takes some serious courage to go up against swamp  creatures.  Every one of those names and faces...HRC, WJC, Comey, Strzok, etc. etc. were all selling out this country, with a smile on their faces.  And, Trump isn't good enough.  Well, even if he doesn't win the battle, he certainly stalled the worse off for a few years and woke some people up.  And, for him to surround himself with swamp creatures, no one knows his methodology.  Perhaps he is using the old tactic, keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. 

  • How many civilizations came before us and vanished leaving us sophisticated clues we have no idea how they knew what they knew many centuries before we arrived. All the giants bones recovered on every continent then disappearing into the ocean to cover up them ever existing. Maps of the solar  system carved into stone in a time when only bronze tools were available. Giant meteor craters from eons ago that could of burned half or all of the earth. Their will always be people writing prophesy and they will fail or get part of it. I think I will wait for the movie to see what happens  if it will in my lifetime. The last president seems pretty final to me maybe just the last of the humans will be hitting the reset button and starting over again heading in a new direction just like many times before in our unknown past history.  The archeologists of the future will be very confused at all the plastic we left behind. they will wonder if that is what killed us and they won't be far off.

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