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  • I knew this was happening, but not what it was, this morning when my internet started only "partially" working. It started with european sites. I was on an interactive dutch game site at the time which suddenly became unavailable. I knew the internet was down, but I could still access websites with servers that originated on the west coast. East coast sites ceased to be available to me shortly after the euro sites I tested went down. Oddly I came to this site all day, one of the few that worked consistently, but article links in forum posts mostly don't work(like in this forum post, I can't read the article). I called my ISP, they could not spare anyone to talk to me, but the automated service offered up a wonderfully vague, "There is an outage in your area". Yeah, thanks for that. I guess if my "area" is Planet Earth.

    Initially I wondered if the Atlantic cables had been broken, because of the way the sites gradually went down. This is how it could happen any day . . . . oh wait, that could be today.
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