First, this post in no way is intended to promote fear of any kind. Unfortunately this information implies that humanity is dealing with something so horrific that most will block it out. For humanity to mount any kind of reasonable resistance to the monstrous activity happening to our planet we need to be informed of who and what we are dealing with. The Dulce information may just be the most important lead to understanding that who and what. So we must take responsibility for our kind and proceed to understand without fear because fear is their most powerful weapon against us.
I personally believe as do many other researchers such as John Lear that understanding what happens at Dulce connects to every other facet of our current problems from chemtrails, vaccines, cattle mutilations, abductions, fluoride, GMO and every other kind of atrocity inflicted upon humanity. Dulce is quite possibly the central hub of the command structure that is doing all of the damage to us. Will they ever stop what they are doing, not likely because it is clear that their goal is to control and farm humanity for their uses which just may happen to be the unthinkable. To date, millions of women, children and men have gone missing, especially children. So we should try to connect the dots and understand the entire picture that the Dulce information suggests. I hope everyone takes the time to review this and make those connections. It is quite possible that the Dulce group are responsible for everything horrible happening on this planet, so keep an open mind and before you say rubbish think about how it may be possible.
Many have already heard of the Dulce base so this is for those who have not. Some members here are very familiar with this information, so I hope they correct any mistakes I make presenting this and add what they have too.. To keep this post short I will add a few links to the information. Maybe others can add more links.
A massive amount of information about the Dulce underground base on the Archuleta mesa in New Mexico has been on the internet for many years now. It is a story so bizarre and horrific, most people dismiss it as absurd. The story gained recognition when a former security person at the base Thomas Edwin Castello gave an interview and presented his information. There was also reportedly a military strike on the base which resulted in 66 soldiers bodies being recovered. Phil Schneider was involved in that one.
Apparently there are now many of these bases connected by underground tunnels and rail systems. The rail systems are reportedly designed by the Rand Corp and can attain supersonic speeds as they run in a vacumn. Reportedly thousands of humans are being held captive for experiments and hybrid programs and are dissected and grafted to animals. Connect the dots. Next time you hear how cool the Zeta hybrids are, think about it.
All of this information is on the internet so I would guess there is little risk to me to compile it here.
But one never knows.
The Thomas Edwin Castello interview text:
The Dulce Papers
The Dulce video, A must see.
Phil Schneider story:
The Firefight at Dulce,
(note: They do not want humans possessing firearms hence the insane gun control laws currently being forced upon us. The only humans they want to have firearms are their mind controlled human security forces because they know that firearms can kill them. The use their mind controlled politicians to promote whatever they want and this is another example)
Sherry Shriner statement: (pretty much says it all)
Thousands and thousands of people are being held captive in cages like animals at the Dulce Base. Even more thousands are being kept in cold storage, and even more are trapped in storage boxes with no way out.
Aliens running the World Alert video:
(note: The crew on this one went to Dulce to try to find the entrance. The Navajo that live there say they know about the base but refuse to say anything. Apparently all of the Dulce residents refuse to say anything including the Dulce sheriff.
Of course the crew are skeptical but they have to be for MSM
Kim has added this
If anyone is still on the fence about gun control, it is time to realize the true reason for it. It has happened in every society where a small group of beings seek to control a large group of humans. I did not not say a small group of humans, I said a small group of beings. The dots are connected to anyone who is seeking the answer.
If I recall correctly Karrie said Mark stated that the reptilians make clones and control them from a distance.
This could explain why Feinstein and O are so insane about gun control. They are controlled clones. Now there is a thought. We have many controlled clones in the government now.
They eventually want to walk among us hence the terra forming effort. and they are using their controlled clones to remove guns from society so they can do this. Of course if you are a controlled clone or a weak mind controlled security slave then you will have a gun. To control humans so the real bosses can walk among you if they choose to. Next time you see a law enforcement individual committing brutality try to see their eyes. You will see a blank empty look of a controlled human.
These beings attempting to take ownership of this planet and us have their system fairly well developed by now.
If it was not for their rivals trying to do the same they would have succeeded.
At all cost we must not let them remove our only defense against them.
It is obvious that the hysteria over the gun issue is a planned operation so humans once again will surrender their defense mechanisms without resistance.
Yep. Think about it. The US Military could wipe us out with their air craft and weapons, including napalm and any other ground-based destruction. Or set off a plague. So why are they working so hard to get rid of guns, or shutting down ammo manufacturers?
YEP that is why they want them so bad.
No, it's grim. But they can be killed with guns.
Not a good outlook is it.
"The federal government has now invented an earthquake device. I am a geologist and I know what I am talking about. With the Kobe earthquake in Japan, there was no pulse-wave as in a normal earthquake. None. In 1989, there was an earthquake in San Francisco. There was no pulse-wave with that one either. It is a Tesla device that is being used for evil purposes. The black budget programmes have subverted science as we know it. Look at AIDS, invented by the National Ordinance Laboratory in Chicago, Illinois in 1972. It was a biological weapon to be used against the people of the United States. The reason that I know that is that I have seen the documentation by the Office of Strategic Services, which is by the way still in operation to this day, through the CDC in Atlanta.
They used the glandular excretions of animals humans and alien humanoids to create the virus. These alien humanoids that the government is hobnobbing with are the worst news. There is absolutely no defence against their germs -none. They are a biological weapon of terrible consequence. Every alien on the planet needs to be isolated."
"The black helicopters. There are over 64,000 black helicopters in the United states. For every hour that goes by, there is one more being built. Is this the proper use of our money? What does the federal government need 64,000 tactical helicopters for, if they are not trying to enslave us? I doubt if the entire military needs 64,000 worldwide. I doubt if all the world needs that many. There are 157 F-117A stealth aircraft loaded with LIDAR and computer-enhanced imaging radar.
They can see you walking from room to room when they f ly over your house. They see objects in the house from the air with a variation limit of 1 inch to 30,000 miles. That's how accurate it is. Now, I worked in the federal government for a long time and I know exactly how they handle their business."
"I was hired not too long ago to do a report on the World Trade Centre bombing. I was hired because the 90 some - odd varieties of chemical explosives. I looked at the pictures taken right after the blast. The concrete was puddled and melted. The steel and the rebar was extruded up to six feet longer than it's original length. There is only one weapon that can do that - a small nuclear weapon. That's a construction-type device. obviously, when they say that it was a nitrate explosive that did the damage, they're lying 100% folks. The people that they have in custody probably didn't do the crime. As a matter of fact, I have reason to believe that the same group held in custody did do other crimes, such as killing a Jewish rabbi in New York. However, I want to further that with the last explosion in Oklahoma City, they are saying that it was a nitrate or fertilizer bomb that did it."
"First they came out and said it was a 1,000 pound fertiliser bomb. Then it was 1,500. Then 2,000 pounds. Now it's 20,000. You can't put 20,000 pounds of fertiliser in a Ryder Truck. Now, I've never mixed explosives, per se. I know the chemical structure and application of construction explosives. My reputation was based on it. I helped hollow out more than 13 deep underground military bases in the United States.
I worked on the Malta project, in West Germany, in Spain and in Italy. I can tell you from experience that a nitrate explosion would not have hardly shattered the windows of the federal building in Oaklahoma City.
It would have killed a few people and knocked part of the facing off the building, but it would never have done that kind of damage. I believe that I have been lied to and I am not taking it any longer, so I'm telling you that you've been lied to."
Q -- Can we shield ourselves against their mental control?
A -- We CAN shield ourselves against them, however 95% of the human race never try to control their thoughts, and controlling our own thoughts is the best weapon. The average person rarely thinks in a clear pattern. That allows the brain to think in a chaotic way. Control your thoughts, AND YOU CAN STOP THE ALIENS ATTEMPTING TO ABDUCT AND CONTROL YOU. Controlling my own thoughts have kept me alive for years.