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  • There was a link on your link, Keith, that is worth mentioning:

    If Alex Jones has been caught working for the very ones he's been denouncing, then that's classic.  Look at ZT, how much they revile NASA.  Then she's caught with NASA images.  Look how much she/they revile the gov't and yet they continue to exist. 

    Many of the items on the propaganda list are classic tools of the disinfo agent.  After seeing enough of them being used, I knew she couldn't possibly be STO or in contact. 

    So, Cheryl's Law of Rabid Critics:  Beware those who decry others.  They may be on the payroll of those whom they decry.

  • A lot of what Alex says is true, but there has been a part that I could never figure out and it was why he never talked about the real problem that faces america and that is the Isrealli control of our goverment. So in saying that I only have to say he is controlled by the media that allowes him to keep speaking. He irritates a lot of people  but remains  the freeedom fighter without one word about the real enemy. Alex you are a coward and a hero in the same breath. You will never save your children while avoiding your real enemy.   

  • I consider that a red flag that a site is working for the ptb when they are that vocal and never get shut down.  Then they asked for donations to "fight the enemy."  That's how the gov't gets the people to fund their disinfo campaigns.

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