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  • While many humans only see things as they happen, and wonder why? There are also many who see the plans of  TPTB come to fruition over a period of time. Like the last 30 years, during which their plans have seen fallbacks and complications. Yet TPTB continue ever forward with their plans of the NWO by upgrading their objectives,and using parts of previous plans to entertwine with their current scenarios. The idea of  False flags has worked well for them in the past! So it is most likely that they will use a few more very soon, as even they realize that time is running short. They do not care if they lose 20 or 30 of their political puppets, if it excellerates their plans and can continue to brainwash the sheeple? Into falling in line with their sentiments and ideals, we already know they dont care how many die. So in thinking they care about doing anything in public veiw, Is not living in the real world! They have already done much harm to the planet and its peoples in public veiw, as well as cornering public sentiment, votes, thoughts and finances to continue with their Plans of world domination. These PTB are not christians or jews! They are Zionist and their religion is worshipping Lucifer! As many of their disgruntled masonic and other former puppets can attest to. Anytime any World leader trys to get in their way, usually High level people who were once with them! They come down hard on them and usually assasinate them and overthrow those countrys, One way or another!  As this also plays into their plans overall. TPTB, the illuminatti and the Dark cabal hate Christians with a passion, even while they pose themselves off as being christian. Their main efforts atm is to start a religious war with Muslims fighting Christians, A WW3 if you will. They will also attempt to cause more racial problems in America to create an air of discontent and chaos, so they can send in their DHS and elite military and law enforcement puppets to quell. Thereby making over halve of the citizens then think that they are the good guys??? It will be implemented at the same time as a finacial fiasco of great portent, such as to cause another depression. Martial law will be implemented and half the citizens will appreciate it as they will be brainwashed to see the other half of americans as neer do well and dissidents,terrorist. Then the familys will be futher split, Mothers against fathers, brothers against sisters and so on. Each seeing the other as the enemy and turning them in to DHS and law enforcement. Yet there will be about a third of americans grouping together as militias, with the help of many older veterans and disgruntled younger vets and fighting back against TPTB. In time it will grow to two thirds of Americans as the Light is brought to bear, and many who were brainwashed will want to reconnect with their loved ones. Remember that the main body of the Dark cabal is in Europe, and the american side are just their puppets. Their are peoples of every nationality involved in the illuminatti and dark cabal, leaders and officials from very many different countries who together constitute TPTB! They know if they can destroy American values from within, and take over America by military means from within using also DHS,FEMA, and local county and state law enforcement officers. That then the rest of the planet will be much easier to Deceive and set against each other and conquer! We currently have most of the peices of this puzzle in place, thereby even without the rest of the yet coming peices. We can see the bigger picture of the ZIONIST Agenda to create a NWO, Agenda 21, Financial one world system And subject the planet under its totalitarian control!

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