"When the Spanish online voting company SKYTL bought the largest vote processing corporation in the United States, it also acquired the means of manufacturing the outcome of the 2012 election. SOE, the Tampa based corporation purchased by SKYTL in January, supplies the election software which records, counts, and reports the votes of Americans in 26 states–900 total jurisdictions–across the nation. ~ Doug Book"
We should all be very concerned about this. Note the last paragraph. I felt the same way when I heard him say it.
Okay, Alex. I received it. I had to pick up kids from school today and baby-sit, so I will read it later this evening.
Just emailed you Cheryl.
"...which happens when you get dirt kicked into you face enough times....which has happened here on this site because of my opinions."
Alex, I don't think this is an accurate statement. First, you know the rule is to not engage a flamer and to email a moderator with the problem. How many times have you emailed me or another administrator? I don't recall much, but if you believe otherwise, then I will be happy to go back through my emails. Please review https://earthchanges.ning.com/profiles/blogs/complaints-controls, specifically:
"If you have a complaint or criticism, send a private email to a moderator or the ning owner. It is never appropriate to air complaints or criticisms publically. If one pops up, notify a moderator immediately, with the link, and it will be dealt with as soon as possible. We ask that you not respond to any inflammatory post. Simply move on to another blog or discussion. In the absence of oxygen (fuel), flames die quickly.
Second, "just to be told that I should get my head out of where the sun don't shine by someone who I have always respected and thought of as a friend...." Did you email him and asked what that was about? If you considered him a friend, shouldn't you have emailed him privately to find out why he said what he did? It's better to talk directly and resolve any differences rather than cast aspersions. According to the above rule, that is what you should have done.
Yes, I should chill but I should also be treated the way people want to be treated, golden rule and all seeing as how I try my hardest to not break it, why don't others?
We all should treat each other with respect. Have you emailed me with your complaint that you are airing in this blog as well as the other "dirt casting incidents"? This is not proper protocol to drag your upset through the group. As far as your statement about trying your hardest to not break the golden rule, I beg to differ and use this blog as an exemplar: https://earthchanges.ning.com/profiles/blogs/morgellons-fact-or-fiction. It even upset me, because we all know Byron has Morgellons. You and he got into it, and it became very ugly. I had to snip some of the comments. I remember you even called Byron illiterate. That, sir, is an ad hominem attack and was irrelevant to the discussion. Have you noticed that he hasn't been posting since then? [correction, he just posted]. Frankly, knowing the situation, I felt it was not innocent, but that you were simply being provocative. And when the fight ensued, you did nothing to stop it. Then when Steve Frey came in loaded with data in Byron's favor, you walked away. This is not an example of treating others with respect.
Going back to Obama discussions, though the Morgellons blog is also an exemplar, what you may not understand is how other people view your opinions. My observation is that almost every statement about Obama that you perceive is negative is challenged so heavily it acts as a chill on free speech. People get upset or stop posting when they are continuously being made to feel they are wrong. In fact, it became such a problem that we banned the topic of Obama for a while.
So, I ask you to consider what I've said and reflect upon whether the unpleasant reactions you are mentioning might have roots in the way you present your opinions or don't follow the Rule. We can all profit by good discussions but it is a fine line we all walk.
I have a very strong sense of fairness and justice, and it has been applied to you and others, sometimes to the point of annoying my mods. And I have a strong sense that all is not well with the Obama administration. And I have gotton to the point of limiting my free speech for the sake of preserving the peace. But I realized that walking on eggshells was a facet of life on the other ning which we all disliked and had surfaced here in a different form. To repress any free speech is just plain wrong.
So, we play by the rules or we don't play. The was considering an email to you over the Morgellons blog but hadn't had the time, since everything had died down. Now this surfaces. The reason I am making this public is that I feel you have posted some not-so-accurate and painted this ning in a bad light. This comment is to complete the record so the truth can be determined by those who want to investigate it.
Diebold produces the machines...The owner of the company promised Bush the presidency which he got....how many here were outraged, just curious....and please do a little research on Michael Savage and his political affiliations....would they lead to a bias of BO?
Sorry for reposting what you said Cheryl was unintentional....
Here is a link that says that George Soros is the owner of the Spanish co. makeing the voteing machines. Yes the world is laughing at us and figure out how we have been so stupid to keep someone in office that has been without a doubt been proven to be a fraud. If we are not able to bring evidence forward or even hear about it on the news we are already living in a dictatoship. There are 4 bill in congress trying to remove our free speech. NDAA destroyed the constitution and the new peace time execuitive order can take everything we own, BO is just doing what he is told to do and might even be a nice guy. His record has told us otherwise. http://askmarion.wordpress.com/2012/04/10/how-does-obama-plan-to-st...
I disagree on not caring about it. What if all these climaxes we keep hearing about don't happen? Look at the state of our law. Many people think there is a usurper acting as POTUS and more and more evidence keeps coming forth, and the American people are stonewalled at every turn in trying to address the issue. Look at the precedent that has been set. We should be the laughing stock of the world. We The People can't even get a fair hearing on the evidence to even determine if there is a usurper in office. No matter what might be coming, even ascension, we should care about corruption and try to stop it. Remember, the galactics are respecting our laws. So should we.
Remember Cheryl I come from a different school of thought and I don't see the man as a usurper and I don't see the man as illegitimately in office. I do not think that he is in office illegally.
The state of our laws were not determined by this one man they were determined by our elected officials. People we put in office to make the choices we don't want to make on a daily basis. I have called this a witch hunt in the pass and I still feel that way.
Vote him out or don't, pretty simple, because everything I have been reading of late comes off as a forgone conclusion. Even here on this post Obama is being called the defacto winner due to fraud, and mind you the election hasn't even happened. Other topics where opinions have become forgone conclusions include that fema camps are concentration camps in disguise that we will all be ushered into.... Obama taking over healthcare... sorry once again not even close to the mark but I have read it as already happened. Death panels....really, once again a reality with no proof what so ever, innumerable people have stepped up stating his birth certificate is legitimate, including judges...which obviously automatically becomes cajoling on his part since his BC can't be legitimate because if it were what would we rally behind....look I know the man has *ucked up in office, no less than any other president, I know that many people judge him simply because his skin tone is darker than the norm, yet few are willing to stand up and openly admit a racist belief yet are we to believe that everyone commenting on the man are doing so from a moral and just point of view....no sorry that would be an outright lie to believe such.
Obama is not perfect, he is but a man, with all the flaws that come with that reality, I am just tired of the fact that since I don't buy into any conspiracy theories regarding the man I have my head up my *ss or have simply not read enough or have no clue about what these issues involve....sounds like a lot of justification for disregarding anything and everything I have to say.... When I commented on him in the past, I made it a point to always post a link showing where I got the information and why I believe it to be true...Yes I can be wrong and yes I am fallible but I will be damned if those thoughts are beat into me through insults and ridicule as opposed to a convincing argument. I am tired Cheryl, I am tired that my beliefs regarding BO, alienates me from the people I have perceived as friends since I got here, I am tired that if I have an opposing point of view, I am made out to be a fool, uneducated and simply oblivious to reality, head in the sand syndrome evidently.
Cheryl, I respect your opinion and yes we should all play an active role in deciding who runs this country. I will be voting and as some have said I have been doped into voting for BO....to that I simply say some actions are taken simply because its the choice I would make regardless of imput from the outside, I sure as hell wouldn't vote for the alternative....but thats my choice and opinion.
This site has a bias towards BO, ok I can live with that, what I can't live with is being insulted because I don't ascribe to that particular belief, does this make sense to anyone other than myself.
Alex, let us move forward and try again. :)
Cheryl, you are correct that things are heating up. The "Man-Made" events are picking up the tension between all countries. "God-Made" events are increasing too. The uptick in EQ's and such are astounding! We do need to care because this is the only world we have at this point. We were given dominion over her and were supposed to care for her. Over time we have forgotten that and she is waking up to the reality.
If you look at the options given by the GOP we don't have much of a choice. I agree Norad that BO already knows the outcome and has verbalized it. The sheeple just aren't convinced yet. :)