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  • I thought it would devalue two years ago and many experts thought so also. The Petro dollar is dying and the bank debt is beyond repair our countries debt is to big to even consider it being paid. Push the reset button and it all goes away. Cheryl you are the financial genius of this site so I listen to what you say about it. Two different values will be very confusing.  

  • I've read in the non-alternative media that a reset will mean the USD will be devalued.  Somewhere else I read that the USD will have one value inside the US and one value outside the US.

  • I remember almost two years ago Ben Fulford was saying almost every week the there were people working on restructuring the financial system. Being that the IMF is involved maybe it is part of the globalist plan with one currency. Everything they do to make our life harder has a pretty name attached to it. Reset to me means all the troubles will be gone and everything will be working the way it should be. 

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