I have sent these photos of nibiru captured in HaErBin ,china on july 24th to Nancy privately for many times, asking her for finall identification.,but she insists that they are just lens flares and becomes a bit impatient about it .It's not because I don't trust her explanation and comment,but the photographer who took the photos promised again and again to me that he saw the "second sun " first by naked eyes ,then took it down by his cellphone when he went to his home with his girlfriend .He does'nt know what it is (he hardly know about nibiru sort of things) and put the photos on a forum to show the stange images. After that,I tried to contact him and ask him personally about what he took .He said it is true that he saw it first then took photos of it and now he is eager to look for some experts for testifying his photos .After a long time of conversation with him ,I believe he is not lying to me in my heart. But Nancy says it is fake .I"m totally confused . So I ask all of you for helping me with it ,could you tell me this is real capture or not ? Your comment is highly appreciated .

The linkage:http://poleshift.ning.com/profiles/blogs/second-sun-capture-in-haerbing.

I tried my best to contact the photographer and have talked with him personally. He says it is not fake, seen by his naked eyes .And he is only 18 years old and is a high school studuent ,having little knowledge about NIBIRu, very confused about what he saw.

I did some analysis to these photos to prove they are real,not lens flares. please note the rectangular form in every photo . you can see wherever the photo is taken, the sun, the second sun and the TV tower can form a rectangular ,without a move of the second sun, if taken the TV tower as a reference. another group of photos show that the real lens flares are ( in the red circles). I just want to get the right answer without other intentions. .Thank you!

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  • look pretty real to me, but then I 've seen a lot of these pics on Chinese blogs recently (PS I live in Taiwan, my partner is Chinese) I saw one today with THREE suns ... looked pretty real too.
  • I would take them to be real....
  • where are my uploaded photos?
  • Thank you for your comment ,Sonny Sisomphou .The original post on that chinese forum have been deleted,why? Is this genuine capture that somebody fears and removed it?
  • They are a very good picture and most credible I've ever seen, because your friend took and shows multiple shots not just one. Go easy on him he might be telling the truth. There are lots of flares in the frames but the one stand out as a second sun is the red object which does not seems to move around but fixed in position relative to other objects in the frames even when his camera was tilted, unlike the white gost flares and other flares that you can see changing in position noticably, don't concern yourself with the unimportant flares/objects/reflections etc. why mention those for?. We're focussing on the red one next to the sun!

    This is MY analysis. I'm not saying it's Nibiru but I say this set of photos is high on credibility!

    No one is an expert Lorry, Not even Nancy/Zeta as have shown lately. don't let other people make conclusion for you. When I started out seeing these kind of second sun photos and videos I have many wondering too how genuine they are. As you have more experiance you don't need other people to conclude for you whether they are real or fake! .

  • thank you for your comment!
  • Lorry, I do not see how you can reach the conclusion that Nibiru is a fake from one instance of mistaken photography. There is lots of evidence about it and many explanations about why its will take time to see it before it is very obvious in the sky and about to pass.

    Ask yourself, is Jupiter a fake? How often do you see it in a daytime sky?

  • I do not think he is necessarily lying. He could just be mistaken. He is not subject to the same desires that you are (to see something and to ratify a belief) so it would be unfair to ascribe to him qualities he may not have.

  • NIBIRu indeed exist and will cause the catastrophe is real or fake? i'm very suspicious now.
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