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  • Keith, whilst I'm not saying BPEarthWatch is absolutely correct - I think his hypothesis is worth listening to. He does start the video by saying he could be wrong but this his what he is deducting from the information that he has. I don't think he is trying to sensationalize it, but is being genuinely honest with his report.

    As with any information - it has to be received with a degree of scepticism!

  • Here is a video he must of put out right after this one Warning video. 

  • It's an interesting comet, but I doubt it will be allowed to go ELE.

  • I'm hoping the clouds will part in December so I can get a nice view of ISON, but aside from that it seems to be an uneventful comet in and of itself. People, on the other hand, will turn any blase occurrence into an Earth shaking, history making, extravaganza. Just look at your local car dealers, a sale is never just a sale,it's a "Blow Out Sale!".  ISON, is never just another comet . . . . . .

  • He could be an okay guy but is reacting to what he is seeing. 

  • I don't sense fear promotion from him Keith - although I can see how this would be possible.

    The way I look at it is; he is helping us being aware of what is happening. Although, anyone's presentation should be viewed with an eye on what their motive maybe!

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