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  • I agree with Lee - "fear" is a very destructive force - both on a spiritual and physical level.

    I trust viewers won't get carried away with any fear from this video.

    Fear (like any other emotion) is created within - it is an internal response to external information / stimulus.

    Actual information itself does not contain any emotion - of course it can be presented with emotion - but this is only done to try to evoke an emotive (in this case, "fearful") response.

    I agree with Keith - do not buy into the fear, but view the information without acknowledging the emotion.

    IMO, always focus on the best - but keep an eye on the rest!

  • Also Mythi said supposedly the comet will induce large quakes on the planet when it (ison) gets very close and disturbs the sun (if I remember correctly)...

  • Mythi says ISON is twice the size of the Earth.

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