Morgan Le Fay
It is not so easy for Ascended Masters to deal with all the variables of this octave, as we sometimes imagine. Here's what Serapis says about it:

You may be under the impression, beloved friends, that serving the humanity of Earth from the ascended state is a comparatively easy task, but le me assure you that such is not the case ! In the first place, we are dealing with beings of free will who, including some students under our instruction, do not always feel like cooperating with our suggestions and endeavors. Then we have those in different states of development, receptivity and capacity, and lastly we have the general run of mankind, who are not even aware of our very existence, and whom we must serve with impersonal radiation.

However, every time our retreat here at Luxor is active, and I see all the lifestreams who are attracted here, I pray to God that there may be a ‘click’ in the feelings of the people, that DEATH is not the end, but that the ascension – the CONSCIOUS ASCENSION – is the ultimate victory of all their endeavors.

Thomas Printz’ Private Booletin, Book 1
Ascended Master Teaching Foundation – AMTF

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  • I do know where U R coming from.

  • I think that is true.  If I mention something of higher spiritual value around here, I get blank looks and huhs?  People around here (Appalachia) seem to enjoy manifesting the soap operas they watch. 

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