Thanks to John DiNardo for the link...
If what this guy says is true, we are in big, big trouble. This could generate a tsunami (he says 1,000 ft) that could hit the west coasts of the US, Mexico, Hawaii, Central and South America.
Question is Alex........What exactly are they waiting for and why is the Japanese Government not stepping in.
They are doing with Fukushima what the US did with BP and the Gulf.
DesertRose.....This has the potential to be significantly worse than Chernobyl.... I hope they call it a loss and shoot for containment only....they really should stop wasting time and cement it over like what was done in Chernobyl....
URGENT - MUST SEE - Updates on Fukushima -- Fairewinds Associates, Inc -- March 31, 2011 like the jigg is up folks. Mainstream media and the government are still trying to tell us there is no danger and the levels are too weak to even consider. I would kinda like to make that determination on my own thank you very much!!! I know it isn't Chernobyl , but for goodness sakes these idiots in the media have to live here too what the heck are they thinking????
UPDATED - French CESIUM-137 radioactive fallout model --- MARCH 30, 2011