Japanese Dead Can't Be Cremated Or Buried

Over a thousand bodies are within the quarantine zone and can't be recovered, cremated or buried without decontamination first, as cremation will spread radiation and burial can contaminate the groundwater.

This raises an issue of burning wood for heat in fallout zones.  Wouldn't the same be true? 

Things to consider as you prepare your plans.


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  • According to articles, burying the dead can contaminate the groundwater, but yes, about three feet of dirt provides shelter from fallout.

    I think, Pat, smoke would transfer radioactive particles.  That's why they won't cremate the radioactive dead in Japan.

  • Burying the radioactive in no box just in dirt would help neutralize the contamination. Plain old Earth Dirt is a natural neutralizer.
  • Cheryl, that's a good point.  Something to think about.  I wonder if the smoke from the wood would carry radioactive particles all over?
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